Chapter 26 - Levi's Ending

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~Zoey's P.O.V~

~2 Months later~

We had just came back from the 57th expedition. Everyone who went was emotionally or physically scared in one way or another, Levi being one of the people scared the most, though he didn't show it.

I've come to the fact that I like, no, love Levi. I realized this when I would see him throughout the halls of HQ. I would make eye contact with him, only to turn away with a furious blush on my cheeks.

When he would talk to me, calling me a "brat", "shithead", "idiot", "fucking retard", etc. I wouldn't get angry, I would just be happy he was talking to me.

Whenever he would talk to Petra, jealousy bubbled within me, and I just wanted to punch her until she passed out, but that would come with consequences. I knew she liked him, but he never said he liked her back in the anime or manga.

Uugh, I shouldn't be thinking about this, I have cleaning to do. I sighed and walked towards the mess hall. Once there, I grabbed cleaning supplies, courtesy of Levi's closet full of supplies, damn clean freak.

~~~Time Skip Until You're Almost Done~~~

I wiped my sweat covered forehead with the back of my hand, panting lightly from all the physical work. 5 hours. I have been cleaning by myself for 5 fucking hours!

I stood and collected all the cleaning supplies, returning them to the closet where I got them from. I quickly retreated to my room, having a quick shower.

Once I was satisfied, I dried my hair. I exited the bathroom and got dressed in a purple hoodie and blue short-shorts, with some sandals. I exited my room, only to find Levi standing there, fist raised, looking like he was about to knock.

Seeing the door open, he quickly lowered his arm. I giggled and I saw the lightest tint of pink adorn his cheeks. So cute.. I thought. I moved out of the way and he stepped into my room, seemingly happy at the cleanliness, as he had the smallest possible smile playing at his lips.

"So, what's up?" I casually stated, flopping onto my bed, my hair pooling around my head. Levi looked at me and sighed, looking towards the ground. "I... I want to ask you for advice". He spoke just above a whisper

My eyes widened as my curiosity peaked, I raised one eyebrow, hoping for him to continue. "I like, no, love someone, and I don't know how to confess.." He trailed off, still looking at the ground.

I felt my chest tighten painfully. He.. He likes someone? I tried to calm my breathing as I looked at him. " Well, confessing would be the best way to go.." I trailed off, holding in my tears.

"Oh, okay.." he mumbled, while walking towards me. I hadn't registered his movements until I felt warm hands grasp mine, pulling me to a standing position.

I gasped and looked into his eyes, searching for an answer to this really confusing position. Shouldn't he be leaving to confess to whatever girl he loves?

He sighed and raised his gaze to meet mine, and I took this opportunity to look deep into his steel grey eyes, getting lost within them. His thumbs rubbed light circles on the back of my hand, and my heart fluttered.

I have always dreamed of this happening! What is going on? What is he- My thoughts were cut off by a pressure on my lips. My eyes widened when I realized what it was. Levi's lips.

I gasped and that gave Levi the opportunity to shoot his tongue into my mouth, exploring the unclaimed territory. I moaned into the kiss and I felt him smirk, his tongue playing with mine.

I felt a burning sensation in my lungs. Uggh, oxygen, why you do dis? I separated from Levi and took in some needed air. I felt Levi's lips go down to my neck, sucking in random spots.

He's looking for my soft spot, he probably won't fi- My thoughts were once again cut off when an extreme amount of pleasure shot through my body, making me breathe a moan.

I felt Levi's smirk on my neck as he abused that spot, nipping and sucking at it, getting more moans from me. Soon, it was all over and Levi removed his lips from my neck.

He pulled me into a tight embrace, breathing a single word that made my heart nearly explode.


Hello all of my wonderful readers! I just wanted to say that I will be finished, unless you want extra fun chapters, or want another ending.

I loved writing this and I hope you loved reading it!

Toodooloo for now reader-chans!~

~Steph xx

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