Lap 10: New replacement

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Yeah, ditching your trauma-induced boyfriend, dead parents by the way, for two fucking meatheads. 

Oh, they'll take good care of you! One's a military boy!

Fine, have fun with your meatheads that together share one braincell, bitch...

Fucking tricked me, I knew this was gonna happen, I knew she wouldn't just put water under the bridge.

I sniffle, fuck, I hate crying. 

What's wrong with me...

Ahri: Knock? knock? 

She knocks on my doorframe; my door didn't close all the way...

Y/N: Sure, come in... ugh... what do you want? 

Ahri: I brought a friend... <Come, little sweet roll.>

Bao rushes in, hopping on my lap to comfort me. 

Ahri: I was... in the hyper car section of the meet... I saw the aftermath. 

Y/N: Y-yeah? *Sniff* 

Ahri: I-I don't know who I should be worried about... Akali, or you? 

Y/N: She could die for all I care... heh... to think I fucking fell for that shit... it's just like high school, only the roles are reversed. 

Ahri whacks me with her tail, really hard, nearly giving me rug burn across my face. 

Ahri: Y/N!!! Don't talk about my Akali like that! She loves you!

Y/N: Does she?! I met her as she was leaving with Darius and Draven! She just casually left her ill fucking boyfriend to hang out with two studs! Huh?! WHO THE FUCK DO-

Ahri smacks me again.

Ahri: Stop! And don't be so loud, I'm right here...

Y/N: Sorry... but like... 

Ahri: Ugh... I'll be honest, she's stupid sometimes... what she did this time is unacceptable, why didn't she go home with you? 

Y/N: Draven peer pressured her into going and leaving me, and of course... she ditched me. It was like that time on the playground where... eh... never mind... *Sniff* 

Ahri: Let it all out...

Y/N: I was shot, my parents died, which is not something I tell just anybody, I battle with that shit every day, I bullied her in high school to try and cope with that. I slept under a car for two fucking weeks when I was younger, this is just payback I guess... life trying to keep shitting down my throat...

Ahri: That's a... really funny analogy... I'm sorry... *light snicker* 

I gently pet Bao, and his charm is working on me. 

Y/N: Yeah, real fucking funny...

Ahri: S-sorry, you've been through a lot... I don't get all of it... but hey... I'm here to talk if you need anything, and for god sake don't lash out at her, please. I'll take care of that, you just rest your chest boo-boo. 

Y/N: T-thanks... 

Ahri: N-now, what's got me concerned, was Kayn's eye flashing red, you know about that? 

Y/N: He said that's how his boss calls him, I won't judge if he has some eye implant or something. 

Ahri: Because he strangled Ezreal and then just drove off. 

Y/N: Ah, Ezzy probably said something to offend him, it happens sometimes. 

Ahri: Eh, whatever, did you get any sleep last night? 

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