Lap 34: Unstoppable tour

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I arrive at home and it looks like Kayn let himself in.

Okay... that means something REALLY bad happened. 

Y/N: Please tell me we won the case...

Kayn: We did... yeah we actually did, until a team of rogue Piltovian guards game in and shot up the place, probably under Jayce's orders. 

Y/N: How the fuck are you alright? 

Kayn: I'm just lucky. 

Kayn whispers to himself a little, like he always does. 

Sounds something like "shut up..." 

Y/N: So, what happens now. 

Kayn: What happens now is we sit back and let the Medarda clan duke it out with him.

Y/N: What happened to just a simple lawsuit? 

Kayn: As we looked over the evidence uhh... it might've been... too potent. Instead of it suggesting he's a predator or that he hates Zaunites, he... might be clinically insane. 

Y/N: Well shit..

Kayn: Yeah, so... big payday, maybe tour ruined? No idea. He's going to Noxus for what he did, attacking the court house like that, he's lucky he isn't being tried IN Noxus or Ionia, at least I... hope... 

Y/N: Why's that, death penalty? 

Kayn: Uh-huh, well... cheers! To good life!

He pours me a drink as Bao hops up on the counter. 

Bao: Mew? 

Y/N: We won buddy, we saved momma! 

Kayn: Mommas...

Y/N: Yeah, thy mothers are saved...

Bao almost smiles, wagging his tail almost like a dog. 

Kayn: That is one weird fucking cat...

Y/N: Hey, it's Seraphine's and it's adorable. 

We each down a beer together from the tap that's built into the basement bar. 

Y/N: Ahhh... so, what happens now? 

Kayn: Chill out for a little while, hey we wanna have a party here? Big open house... we have friends who don't steal shit...

Y/N: Sure, fuck it. But you just survived a hit squad? Wait, what the fuck? 

Kayn: I was hoping to gloss over that. I think it's time I come clean...

Y/N: What's up? Why are you able to fight off hitmen like a Piltovian soldier? 

Kayn: I have schizophrenia.

Y/N: Okay...

Kayn: I have a voice in my head that helps me go about my day, keeping me alive. He isn't bad, but he's not good. *mutters* 

Y/N: Who is he? 

Kayn: "My boss."

Y/N: OH!!! Holy shit every time you were referring to- you were...

Kayn: Yeah... also I can't keep it a secret any longer...

Y/N: Yeah, I respect that, seems like a problem most people have and... it makes it worse when you don't-

Kayn: N-no not the schizo thing... uhh... it made me snap and... burn down Draven and Darius' house...

I set the glass down, taking a breather to rub my head. 

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