Chapter 11 : (The Contradictions)

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"My touch still haunts you in your dreams love. Your fear is my greatest weapon against you" Saying that he left from the place. His words rang in her mind on loop, frustrating her more and more with the passing second.

The lingering smell of his cologne was still in the cabin, reminding her that it didn't take him more than 5 minutes to look beyond the facade of the strong women she was holding up for years.

He had seen right through her without any effort. Out of anger, she started throwing things here and there, breaking the glass pieces on the table. She had turned herself into a mess. She fell on the ground, tired at how she'd never be intimate enough for Rahul Agnihotri to feel scared of her even if it be for just a mere second. He'd always consider her the dirt of his shoes.

Pushing herself off the ground, she stormed towards the table and rummaged through the drawers before getting the small car keys. She walked into her private elevator that was inside her cabin and pressed the button for ground floor. 

She walked towards her car, the one specially reserved for her anger, her Lamborghini Aventador, the black beauty she loved more than anything. Asking the gaurds to open the gates, she slipped into the red leather seats that contradicted with the black shiny paint of the car, giving off the devil vibes.

She had just made it to the outside of the gate when she was stopped by a maniac standing with his bike right on her way.

"What the fuck is wrong man? Move" She screamed angrily rolling down the windows of the car. She popped her head out to look at the intruder who had thought it would be nice to be the man who'd be the victim of her anger.

The man on the red bike, slowly removed his helmet and shook his head, giving him a messy hair look.

"Shaurya" Vedanshi looked at him shocked. Within the one month, neither of them crossed each other's paths and were quite happy about it even though they had questions crawling in their minds. She beeped the horn loudly to move him out of the way but he sat on his bike, scrolling through his phone as if he never heard the horn. Annoyed at his indifference she stepped out of the car and rushed to him.

Pulling the phone out of his hands, she gave him a glare.

"Move the fuck out of my way" She said with her nostrils blaring in anger.

"A little politeness would be better" Shaurya deliberately teased her further.

"Listen... Am not in the mood to entertain you right now. This is the most polite I can be in this moment. Move out of my way" She took a step towards him, closing the distance between them. She handed him his phone and turned around leaving him in the hopes of more.

"Wassup with wearing a frock and all today? Trying to impress someone?" He asked pocketing his phone in the jeans pocket and staring right at her.

"None. Of. Your. Business" She said sternly in a cold voice that could crawl up shivers up your spine.

"Relax Tiger, just saying. Where are you going by the way?" He crossed his ankles, leaning onto the bike in a more comfortable position.

"Leave me alone Shaurya. Please" She folded her hands infront of him, trying to tell him to leave her way and let her be on her own.

"Is that car yours?" He stood up and walked towards her car making her roll her eyes at him in annoyance.

"You won't leave my way fine, dont!" She slipped back into her car and was about to reverse when the passenger door opened and Shaurya sat inside.

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