1-Up for it

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"Hmmm the air is nice today" kyujin said walking out her house. "yah haewon wait up!" she shouted. "why are you shouting its so early in the morning" haewon said as she giggled at her friend's silliness. "well it looked like you were leaving me" kyujin stated as she ran up to meet her friends steps. "I can never leave you your too loud for that". "well you-" kyujin got cut off as he phone started to ring. "hi jiwoo". "hi, where are you". "oh, I just walked out with haewon". "can you meet me and lily by our gate". "sure". "kk see you" and jiwoo hung up the phone. "haewon, jiwoo is waiting for us at her gate". "I know, there she is waving her hands and jumping up and down". kyujin looked to where haewon pointed and saw her with lily, so they sped up their pace to reach them quicker. "yah, jiwoo your crazy you know that" haewon shouted panting. "were is kyujin" lily asked. they looked behind and saw kyujin finally reaching the them. "I gave up a long time ago, no way i'm running". "ok lets go, the rest of the girls said they're at the front waiting on us" jiwoo stated. They walked and talked along the way until they finally met up with the girls. "why did you guys leave out so early" jiwoo asked. "because we always leave out late and we wanted to make a change!!" jinni said earning giggles from the girls. " ok jinni, there is a bus coming lets go before it misses us" and with that they headed to the bus stop.


Kyujin Pov

"why are the hallways so crowded today" sullyhoon mentioned. "It looks like someone or people finally decided to show up to school" bae said looking annoyed. "oh here they, come girls cover your nose they can be really toxic" haewon said. "well well well, if it isn't NmIxX" jungwon said mocking their group name. Yes they were both dance groups and they envied each other. "and look it's enhy PEN, do you hear yourself" haewon said emphasizing the pen, wanting to stop talking to the boy. "aish, what is your problem do you wanna fight or something". lily ask, really annoyed at the situation. "no, we can't fight girls" jake said. "then I guess its out of the picture for you" I said interrupting them. "then lets have a dance competition". niki mentioned as he pulled out his phone. "in two months which is August on the 5th, we'll have it right in the gym, you up for it" he mentioned again after pushing his phone calendar in my face. "sure whatever". Then jay turned around and shouted "you hear that, show down in two months us verses NMIXX!!. "you guys are complete jerks" jinni said rolling her eyes. "well then see you guys around" sunoo stated with an unbothered face walking off with other boys. "complete doushbags". lily said in english. "well lets get to class, we don't want to be late" haewon shouted out of frustration. I swear to god, why did they have to come today, the air was nice.

First Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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