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Bae Pov

Its saturday and I cant find my phone. apart from that, I think my parents came home last night cause I don't remember turning on the air conditioner. and when I looked around I didn't see the girls. so I got up and went out my room and saw them in the kitchen and my parents in the couch. I tell them good morning and gave a quick peck on their cheeks and went in the kitchen to the girls. "good morning" they all said sounding sleepy. "why do you all sound like that". "maybe because someone's clock woke us up" lily raised her brow saying, putting the bowl that was once filled with cereal in the sink. "oops, I forgot that it was saturday". lie I did know but I wouldn't let them know that. "so when did you guys get home" I said to my parents while stealing some of yoona's cereal.

"Last night, you left the door open, you're lucky no one came inside". my mom  said coming in the kitchen to me. "sorry mama" I say giving her a next peck on her cheek. "oh and I have a surprise". "while your father was driving, we got stopped by an advertiser and they gave us some tickets for a newly opened pool and a section which is booked for you only". "wah, really". "yes, but it's guest range for this week is ten and up, you know, to boost up the guest range by the week after, so you can invite some of your friends you know or wait till the guest range gets low again by the end of next week, anyways me and your father have to go to work, see you later and I bought you guys swimming suits they are on my bed, bye girls". she said exiting the door.

"so are we going" kyujin asked breaking the silence. "we can ask yeji, ryujin, lia and chae, if I can find my phone, has anyone seen my phone. I said looking at them. "no, no one's seen your phone, and they can't come, today is yeji's birthday and hyunjin is throwing a party and they're not gonna come".  jiwoo said taking a sip of water. "but my phone" I said with a pout. *knock knock* who is at the door at this time. I got up and when I opened it I saw seven boys at the door staring at me so I did what any girl would do and slammed the door. the girls came running to me. "who was it" jinni said trying to look through the peep hole when we heard another knock. so this time jinni opened and she almost slammed it again when a hand held it open it was sunghoon. "we just wanna return this phone". "oh that's mine, thanks". I opened it and saw about 13 missed calls from an unknown number.  I showed the girls with a worried face but turned my attention back to the boys.

 "why do seven boys have to return one phone". haewon said lifting her brow. "we were going on the road" jungwon said as he put his hands in his pockets. "why don't we ask them to come with us" sullyhoon whispered in my ear. "what no". I say back. "does anyone have a car, right now". "w- no, what are you doing". but no one ever listens to me. "d-do you guys wanna go on a little trip with us". "why, and where" sunghoon asked. "because, we need more people to go and its the type of place where you need swim suits, sounds fun right". I said cutting in. "yea, since I have the car. I can drive you" jay said his eyes on his phone. yea no shit. "this doesn't mean we are close, just wait you'll see in two months" and when I said that they look like they lowkey forgot that they challenged us. " ok see you guys back here at two don't be late" and I shut the door in their faces. "lets go look at the swim suits then". and we all ran in my parents room.

Jinni Pov

Its now two thirty and they're still not here. "do you think they stood us up". kyujin said whining. "I don't think so, but its them so it's them so it is possible". I said watching them give me glares. *knock knock* "it must me them, lets go". haewon said taking up our bag with swim suits. we head out side to see the car, well it was a van, very occasional for the moment. we head into the back of the van while the boys sit in the front, while jay is driving. "everything good" jay asked, he wants us to know if we have everything before driving off. "yeah, you're just thirty minutes late that's all". haewon answered with sarcasm.

 I was tired so I just put my head on lily's lap for a while. by the time I woke up we were already there. "let's hurry and get out, the pool looks nice lily said staring out side. "yea I wonder which section we're gonna get" I joined. as I was getting out of the back I tripped over the seat. but someone caught me. It was sunoo. "are- you, okay". after looking at him without saying anything for what feels like a good minute he laughs, I suddenly feel my face heat up. "yea, I'm good". "alright, lets go check in" kyujin said walking up to the booth. so I pulled my hand from sunoo's grip and followed her

Third Person Pov

They went in the dressing room to get changed after checking in. "wow, jiwoo". "huh". "you look, stunning" jinni said clapping. "thanks, ya'll look good too". "lets go then". they all walk out of the dressing room, their belly's and back's getting some of the sun rays. they walked all the way to the umbrella benches. "yah, where is my floaty". kyujin complained. "are, you a kid, why do you want one. sullyhoon said annoyed by her constant nagging. "I dunno ,maybe because it's a long and wide, deep five foot pool. "you're not gonna drown, come on you've been aching this all day". she said dragging her to the stairs of the pool.

 Its been about thirty minutes since they've been there. some of them are in the pool, sitting on the umbrella benches or on the sand, some standing by the balcony looking at everything take place, and when I say standing by the balcony I mean kyujin, with ni-ki coming to join her.

 "don't you think what you're wearing is a bit too revealing pup". and whether she likes it or not, she knows this voice anywhere. "no I don't think so". "well I do, don't wear this again". "you can't tell me what to do and I said not to call me pup, and--" she got cut off. "you talk too much". "oh, yeah well, where is that girl you were talking to all night". "are you jealous". "no" she said watching as ni-ki trapped her with his hands on the balcony bars. "well if you must know, she is my sister". "really, you guys look nothing alike". "she is my half sister". "makes sense, where is she". "we dropped her at her house this morning that's why we were going on the road". "also makes sense". "so are you done interviewing me. "depends, what else must I know". "that- your lips are pretty". he says looking at her lips then back to her eyes. "now am done, you creep". she said pushing him. "sorry pup, wanna go back in the water". at this point why should she bother he's never gonna stop calling her that. "sure lets go, and stop calling me that". "no, I like it". well it was worth a try.

"yah, lee heeseung if you splash me again, I swear". yoona pointed. "you'll do what" he said while splashing her again not noticing ni-ki and kyujin join them at the edge of the pool. heeseung went under the water to lift her up, her thighs on his shoulder while her hands on his head, and he's just laughing. "n-n-n-n-no heeseung no, no-" her voice drowned after heeseung dropped her in the water, her head popping up, clinging on heeseung for dear life. not noticing ni-ki and kyujin laughing at them, again. "I wanna get out". "you wanna?" he said looking at her holding her by her thighs. "yeah, please". "but I like the water". "I don't, at least not anymore". "fine then, if we get out you have to dry my hair". "buy me a drink then at the mini bar". "okay get on my back". and she did all she wanted to do was get out.

It was five, and they were all rapped up in their towels shivering. getting their stuff together, getting ready to leave after talking for about an hour. they are not friends, but they themselves didn't know what to call each other, they're just going with the flow. "they got in the van and the whole drive was quiet except for the part where lily and jake started to bicker, mostly about the bathroom incident. but other than that every one was sleeping apart from jay who was driving the car. "okay wake up, we have arrived at your home". they all got out one by one, happy that they are safe and sound but still pretty sleepy. "thanks for today, but if you tell anyone about it, we wont-hesitate to kill you guys, good night" haewon said struggling stand straight. "yea whatever, sleepy head" jungwon said before winding up the window. "such a bitch" she mumbled. "well it looks like your parents are home bae" jiwoo said marching up to the door blinking two times before opening it. "how was it" greeted bae's dad. "we will tell you in the morning, we are tired, good night". "sure love, but make sure to brush your teeth" her mom added. she only gave a thumps up before closing her room door with the girls in it.

Ninth Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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