8-picnics and sleepovers

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Sullyoon Pov

Today we are gonna go to the park to have a picnic and stay a little late to play on the swings. The best part is the sleepover because today is friday so we can stay up and do whatever our young mind pushes us to do. I walk out of my chemistry class going to put my books in my locker as I am ready to close it someone, did it before me. "what do you want heeseung, can't you leave me alone". I say as I start to walk but he's following me. "what are you my tail or something". "no, I'm a head typa guy" I stop and turn to see him stoop down to my level staring right into my eyes. and did he just lick his lips. 

I push him and start to walk again he is still following. I really can't get one afternoon for peace. I turn around again to see him smiling, gosh such a stuck up. "didn't you say you say your a head typa guy stop following me". "you giving me a head?". "I swear heeseung i'm this close to loosing my shit, now get the fuck away". but he wouldn't piss off. "where you going wanting me to leave you so early". "anywhere without you that's why you need to leave". "come on tell me where you are gonna go and i'll leave". he said standing in front of me. "fuck you". "do want me too?". this fucking son of a gun. "we're gonna go to the park, now leave me alone". "pleasure's all mine see ya later". he said and ran down the hall, did he really just follow me all the way up here just to go back down, he's really committed to his job. then I see kyujin walking out her class, sensible company, well kind of.

Heeseung Pov

I was running to the student council room and before you say anything, nope, none of my group is apart of the council. but hyunjin is and he lets us chill after school in there so there I went. "hey guys" I said panting a little bit. "hey hyung" ni-ki said while talking to- "yuna, no way what are you doing here". "I go to this school now". she said smiling at me. "what is it now hyung". sunoo said turning off his phone. "lets go to the park, by jungwon's house". "huh, why" jungwon asked sitting up from the desk. "because yoona and her friends are going". "ahhhh, I get it you're obsessed." sunoo said turning his phone back on. "come on jungwon we can stay at you're house if it gets a little late". "I mean y-you do live in the same nieghbour hood" jay spoke rubbing his ear ring. "thank you jay". "fine only if you buy me food, and yall have to get your close because your not getting none of mine.

"you wanna come with yuna". "yea sure I wanna meet your friends". friends my ass. then a loud slam was heard. it was hyunjin with yeji. "yeji-ah, i'm sorry I didn't mean to I'll drop you home". "yea no shit" she said smiling. "lets go now then". "ok hold on babe" he said looking at us. "well what are you fucking waiting for. get the fuck out. "say it nice next time hyung" ni-ki said ruffling hyunjin's hair. "your tall ass think you're so fine" hyunjin spoke before smacking his hand away. "wow, who's this" he said looking at yuna. "oh that's ni-ki's--" sunghoon started but yeji cut him off. "oh come on hyun i'm right here. "I haven't seen her before, it was only a question. when yuna stepped out he then proceeded to lock the door. "see you monday" he waved taking yeji's hand in his hold. "so jungwon's house it is

Jiwoo Pov

Its now 7:39 and we've been on the swings non stop. we ate the sandwiches hours ago. and now we were just laughing and having a good time even though it was chilly out it was nice. that is when we heard ruffles in the bush we all became silent then eight shadows appeared out of nowhere. "ughhhhhhh, you fuckers, I can't even go to my home without seeing your faces" I heard bae say. "p-p-pfff hahaaha" I start to laugh making and fit off laughter gather around me and the girls. "I-I mean how the fuck did you find us" haewon managed to say through her laughter. "I live here" jungwon raised his hand. we stop looking at each other and start to laugh again. "oh my come and sit down with us, since you have someone new" haewon said telling us to make space for them to sit. "oh, and you have tteokbokki, jack pot give us some since we let you sit" sullyoon said fixing herself.

3rd person Pov

jay looked at jiwoo and took her hand and started to rub her hand together with his. "its kinda cold out here isn't it". "yeah it is" she answered without spearing a glance at him. "jiwoo" he tried once. "jiwoo" he tried twice. "jiwoo" three times and still no answer so he did what he felt and took his free hand to make her look at him, her eyes were glassy and the moon light illuminating them just made her look beautiful at least that's what he thought. "i'm sorry" he said. "it's fine and i guess i'm sorry for slapping you". "oh i'm gonna get revenge for that". "oh come on be a man and suck it up all a did was slap you". "that's what they all say". "no one says that". "that means you're unique". jay could feel her shaking in his hands. "woo" she looked at him with a smile. "don't ever call me that again". What, i like it, that's what i'm gonna call you now". she giggled pulling back her hand only for him to take it back before a second could pass. "eat". "huh". "you are shaking, a bowl of tteokbokki could warm you up, or do you want me to feed you". "i'm fine but I can eat by myself". "then why don't you". "fine i'll eat w-watch me".

they stayed out there for so long they even fell asleep right there on the ground leaving empty bowls and jungwon's phone flashlight. they of course woke up, but to bae's ring tone. It was her mom calling if everything is ok, of course she lied but she didn't have to know. they got up cleaning up their mess and exchanging a few words and eventually said their good bye's.

"what a night" kyujin screamed. "yea and i wanna go to bae's bed". "be quiet, we are not hey only ones in this neighbour hood". haewon yawned. whatever jinni thought "good night New York City" she shouted giving them the last sets of laughter for the night.

Eighth Chapter. I know it's night but still. Have a good day/night

out of habit I guess


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