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Haewon Pov

Today we are gonna practice at my house of course, I'm the rich one. What they call rich is having stairs in your house, jinni is the second richest because she has a stairs but not bigger than mine. We could go to her house if we were just talking about whose house has stairs plus her house is closer than anyone else. But I have an extra room empty with mirrors and a speaker good enough to dance and enough space to be the crazy girls we are. So here we are at my house eating and watching a quick movie before going to pick which song and a choreo to dance with. "ok guys the show is done lets go". I mentioned standing up putting my plates in the sink.

 "It has a part two lets watch that" kyujin said amused by how the movie ended. "Its not a part two, It's a spin off ". sullyoon replied also getting up to put down her plates. "what's the difference". "you know what I'm not gonna waste my breath on you" sullyoon said before walking up stairs. "yeah lets go I haven't danced in a while" Lily got up saying after turning off the tv. "really so when you were blasting 'That's what I like' you weren't dancing at all" jiwoo said raising her brow. "really it was it that loud". "guys lets go!" kyujin shouted exited to dance. "ok boss baby". we are all up stairs and we are ready to dance, what we do best. 

"So who has a idea off what song to dance to". jinni rose her hand so I chose her. "yes jinni". "why are you in charge". "cause it's my house, Next!" I giggled at the pout appearing on her lips. lily raised her hand. "GO!" I said pointing at her. "how about the song 'How long' by charlie puth. "yeah, I've heard it and its a nice song to dance to". jinni said looking at her. "ok then its decided how long it is, kyujin, bae, you have the honour of getting a dance for us to do" they looked at each other and smiled. "Its time to begin our practice, hwaiting". kyujin said more like shouted.

It's been what two hours and we are sweating like crazy. after the song ended for the seventeenth hundred time we all collapsed and called it quits and we could continue tomorrow, plus my mom got home. it's not that she has a problem with the girls, she loves them way too much and I'm her own daughter. its just that their parents are calling even though we live like five minutes away from each other and in a neighbour hood.

 They are parents and its night so I get It. "okay, bye guys". "yeah see you tomorrow" jiwoo shouted waving her hand. you know I find it really hard to believe she's not the youngest. "ughhh what a day" I said crashing on my couch. "yea I know. now take a shower and come eat". "can't I eat first". "nope, take a shower and come eat". " I love you mom". "I love you too, now go bathe"

Fifth Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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