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Jay Pov

ugh, I don't even know why I bother waking up for school. "tomorrow, is friday so its gonna be ok". I mumbled to tell myself one more day couldn't hurt. I took a shower and ate my break fast. "shit, its 8:55" I grabbed my bag gave mom a kiss on the cheek and ran out to my car. I have no problem reaching late its just that I'm picking up jungwon and he does so I have to pick him up by 8:30. I drove up beside his house seeing him stand with his hand crossed.

 He came in the car and put down his bag. Before I can say anything he rest his head on the seat and looks at me with an assuring smile.... right before he smacked me at the back of my head. "what the fuck bro". "I'm sorry, I over slept, and woke up 8:35". I said rubbing the part he smacked me at.

 "no shit, bro, you know tha--". "hm" I asked confused, glad that he stopped talking, but confused why out no where. "you *sniff* you smell like honey". really . "bro, that's a really low level of weirdness, please stop" I said as I pushed his head away. "I know, but you smell good for the first had to savour it. I really wanted to smack him he basically just called me stink plus revenge for hitting me when he first came in here. I gritted my teeth and started to drive. "my mom made pancakes with honey that's why I smell like, that". "bummer, I had eggs and toast" he said as he took a pencil out his bag and started to play with it. "what's wrong with egg and toast". "nothing, it's just not as good as pancakes plus honey, that would make my morning, cause you picked me up late." "let it go". "neverrrr".

We arrived at school and jungwon ran out the car, and went straight to the side of the school. To the outdoor canteen. The lady in there sells good muffins but they are best when just baked , which is why jungwon wants to go to school early. "oh look and he left his pencil, couldn't find one today, I'll take it ". I closed the car door and took a step in hell. Yeah i'm extra I know, but it's really annoying in here. you know what makes me feel better. You guessed it annoying other people. One person to specify.

Jiwoo Pov

I came to school with the girls today. But they went to the outside canteen to get some pastries. Pastries could make my day since I kinda left my phone today. I went inside the Social class, we all have the same class so they'll find me, it's just me the window seat and--" "Hi" I swing my head over to door to see jay. oh fuck i'm gonna need those pastries now. I hit my head on the table groaning. "woah, woah, woah, you'll hurt the desk". he's so fucking annoying. "what the fuck are you doing here". I say as i turn to look at him. "today is starting to annoy me". I get the feeling . " so what the fuck are you doing here". "I come to annoy you". I looked him with a bffr face. "please do not do tha--".

 "jiwoo!" a shouting sullyoon said coming through the doors of the class room. "jay, what the fuck are you doing here". "exactly my thought, whatsup" I said turning my attention on them fully. "oh, yea, we brought your doughnuts, eat them before jinni does". oh not here, not in front of jay, he cant see me eat my face out with doughnuts. "it's okay I don't want any". "what, you told us you want two doughnuts, a mini one and a normal one with chocolate. this could not get any worse, I looked at jay and saw him laughing at me. "really guys I don't want any". I said getting up raising my voice a little not shouting though. "come on jiwoo, what's wrong you wanted this from morning you wouldn't stop talking about it this morning, and about how you would--". "Stop" I shouted a little and they looked a little surprised. Something pricking at the brim of my eye. I had to get out. "I need to use the bathroom". And I stormed out.

Jay Pov

Yes I love to annoy her. Her reactions are somewhat satisfying. I was about to say something but her friends burst into the class rooms with some pastries. I smile to myself I wonder if they saw jungwon. "jay what the fuck are you doing here" I shrug my shoulders and smile as I watch them walk pass me. "my thought exactly, whatsup" she smiled at her friends. "oh, yea, we brought your doughnuts". she glanced at me and her smile dimmed. "it's okay I don't want any". "what, you told us you want two doughnuts, a mini one and a normal one with chocolate". I laughed a little a mini one that sounded....cute. but when I looked at her, her smile was completely gone. "really guys I don't want any" she got out her seat hesitantly. "come on jiwoo, what's wrong you wanted this from morning you wouldn't stop talking about it this morning, and about how you would--". "Stop" she shouted I gotta say I flinched a little, then she glanced at me for the fifth time before storming out to go to the bathroom. wait don't tell me. I got off the desk I was leaning on and ran after her.

I saw her turn the corner to the second bathroom. no one goes their it's out of service, so I don't know why she is heading there. "yah jiwoo". "why did you follow me here". "weird question, but are you embarrassed to eat your doughnut in front of me". "no" she said her back still facing me about to open the door to the bathroom. "then why didn't you eat it". "because I didn't wanna now leave me the fuck alone you brat" she said trying to sound hurtful but her voice broke at the end. she sound like she was on the brink of crying. "your lying" she then turned around and-

*SLAP* right across my face. And before she went in the bathroom I swear I saw a tear fall. normally I  would be mad but I wasn't. I simply turned around to find the guys.

Sixth chapter. Have a nice day/night



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