12- jealousy

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Sunoo Pov

Walking through the halls of school after the most hard core practice, yup we had practice for the stupid challenge and honestly it was fun until I had to wake up at five to practice before school

August is around the corner, literally just a week away, I swear if I had something else to do, I would not be in this position right now, which is struggling to find a comfortable spot with my sore legs at my desk

With five minutes of atoms and 1.2 billion possibilities of this and 1.2 billion possibilities of that, I had enough, and the teacher looks like he had enough too, cause as soon as the bell rang he sent us off to our next period.

"Physics yayy" I mumbled to myself, sarcasm trailing every word. "Hey sunoo". My eyes trailed to follow where the voice was coming and it was yuna.

"Hey yuna, how are ya" I say as I watch her pull a seat beside me to sit. "I'm good, but you look depressed" well shes not completely wrong "i hate physics" "oh thats understandable, hate it too" "hm" "so, where is heeseung" she added. "he is supposed to be in class right now" "oh which class is he in" "uh, erm, english"   "oh, does-" the teacher slamed some books on the desk cutting her off from what she was gonna say next. Time for physics

Heeseung Pov

Class just ended and it's now lunchtime, I headed to the cafeteria to only bump into yuna. "Hi hee" "hey yuna" "where you headed" she smiled at me, she used to have a crush on me but i didn't like her. " to eat lunch with the others" "may i join" "sure you're always welcome". I said and sped up to show her the table.

"Hey sis" ni-ki said looking from his phone. She hummed and sat next to me. "are these your friends I saw with you the other night" I nodded and got up to get us our foods, when I got back I saw her talking to yoona.

"yea our names are kinda similar" "I see you've met yuna, yoona" I interrupted, yoona hit my shoulder playfuly. "Is that my food" yuna asked a hint of unpleasant in her voice, i handed her food and she thanked me and started eating. I look down to see yoona's fingers playing with my ring.


Where is jake" jungwon said irritated of how late he is right now. "School dismissed and hour ago and its getting dark" jiwoo mumbled. "what you scared of the dark" jay added "no, it's just that we planned to go to the park again and I don't wanna wait till dark". jay nodded and said nothing else

"where is he even, i wanna go home" bae said. "really, we can go now if you want" sunghoon spoke, she scrunched her nose and she shook her head and mumbled a small 'its okay'. "well he said he wants to introduce us to someone" I said and they let out a few hum's and nods.

We then saw a running figure come to us. "Yay he's back" sunoo said. "yeah and with someone else" ni-ki joined. "hi" jake said waving "yea hi" lily said throwing his bag that she was holding since he left. "aren't you gonna introduce us" i said looking at the girl standing beside him shyly. "Oh yea, everyone this is, Lee Jae-ah" well nice to meet you" I said followed by the others.

"She is the closest pereon that I know"  "oh dude you just punched me in the heart" "well then get over it" "the way you threw me away so easily". "don't we have some where to be" jinni said. "yea, we've been waiting out here for you too long" kyujin agreed. "lets go then, but first we buy ramyeon" jake said putting on his bag.

Jake Pov

We arrived at the park after buying the ramen. "Hey, that's mine" lily spoke. "No it's mine" "no i ordered they spicy one" "so. did. I" "just eat the normal one" haewon said trying to calm her down. like I locked her in the bathroom once and she still can't let it go, geez. I turned to Jae-ah to see if she's fine.

"You ok" "yea, but i wanna try the spicy one" "have some of mine then, babe". "Babe, is there something you're not telling us" jungwon shouted. One minor detail i forgot to mention. "She is my girlfriend" "wow you just keep on hurting my heart do you" heeseung said fake crying. "Is someone jealous" yoona said giggling. He looked at her and completely ignored me. "You know, not really" he smiled.

"Not the point tho since when" sunghoon asked reaching a napkin for bae. "Since I left from Australia" "oh". "it's getting really late and my mom just texted me to come home so.." lily said getting up. "you're right lets throw these away first" i added.

"no way you pulled someone really beautiful" ni-ki walked up and said.
"Stop eyeing my woman" I punched him lightly "yea ni-ki stop eyeing his woman" kyujin said punching a bit harder "yah, did you just say that so can punch me. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away niki following behind. "Your friends are chaotic, it's sweet" Jae-ah smilled in the sweetest way possible.

"We should take each other's numbers" jae-ah suggested. "yea sounds like a plan" "sorry my phone died" lily said throwing away the last of her trash. "Didn't your mom just text you" i asked. "After it died, maybe next time, ok Jae-ah it was nice to meet you" she smiled, I've never seen her smile like that before, it was.... "welp, later" "you're going without us" haewon asked "well hurry it up then". Lily said forming her lips in a thin line.

After we transferred our numbers they left. "want me to drop you jae-ah" "no yeonjun hyung is gonna pick me up, speaking of which there he is" "okie, later baby" I said and kissed her on the cheek, she went in the car and he drove off.

"Wahh, jakey's got a girlfriend" ni-ki sang."I know  hard to believe right" the voice said that came from behind us. "Sorry i forgot my phone, again" bae mumbled. "you mean this " sunghoon said waving her phone in his hands. "thanks" she took back her phone. "careful back home" "huh" "you guys, careful back home, you guys, thats what i meant" sunghoon tried to explain himself. "Ok bye again" jinni waved. *silence* "what the hell was that".

Yello. I just updated another book its called Enhypen BxB Onshots.

Ok so 1st couple so far, will it last also, who is your bias in NMIXX cause jiwoo is the cutest.


Twelfth Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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