4-you're really starting to piss me off

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Bae Pov 

I was walking to class today with the girls when I opened my locker and I saw a note and a bouquet of flowers with a balloon tied to it. "ohhh bae has a secret admirer" kyujin whispered in my ear. And I sent her quick glare and sighed. "calm down guys we don't even know if it is a love letter". I said as I started to walk the girls following behind me. "ohh come on, who would put a letter may I remind you with a heart sealing, with flowers and a balloon, thats got to be a love letter". jinni said stopping behind us, and now that I think of it kinda makes sense. I stopped again with the girls following. "well lets open it to find out".

I am so impressed with you how your mind works and how your so kind and loving and so sweet even when others don't see. But I would like to tell you in person even if I get rejected. Meet me at the roof.

 -- your secret admirer

And they were right it was a secret admirer. "well I guess you guys were right " I said noticing their heads still hanging over in my letter. "I am so impressed with you how your mind works, thats funny". I looked at jiwoo and she put her hands up in defense. "Did anyone notice she got a secret admirer, thats just wow" and another death glare went to sullyoon. "oh would you look at that its the bell" she said and ran off with the others. But I stayed back and read the note one last time I have different classes anyways. I put the note In my locker and the flowers in my bag even though the balloon was a bit too much for someone your not even sure is gonna like you back, appreciate the thought though.

Sunghoon Pov 

She didn't see me but I saw the note she had and I am gonna ensure that he doesn't like her anymore which is kinda hard to do on the spot but I have my ways. Were in math class and I tell her desk mate to move so I can sit beside her and she did "what the fuck are you doing here" she said and grimaced at me. I figured I just get straight to the point. "I heard you got a admirer" I spoke putting down my bag to look at her. "yea and why are you here" I smirked at her playfully, then she widened her eyes before squinting at me. "are you stalking me" she asked giving me a creeped out face. "what the fuck no". I replied giving her back the same face. "I just happened to pass by" I said again. "well can you do it less, and it has nothing to do with you so leave it and me alone. "okayy". and so math class started.

Its been an hour and a half I kinda forgot I was sitting with bae, she has been really quiet I guess she really doesn't wanna talk to me. I look down to her book and I saw that she was struggling with a question of course I am finished with that question in fact I finished the whole thing and i'm just checking over. "you know that questions is really easy". "oh yea and what do you know ". "because I done it " I said giving her duh face her mouth turned into an O shape before a red tint appeared across her cheeks and her ears. I could tell she's embarrassed. she is so naive like all girls are. I took the pen from her and did the question for her and watched her complete the rest.

 "ok class if your done hand over the papers and go and you guys only have one period today" miss willson said. I handed her the papers and left leaving bae in classroom. but I didn't actually leave I was hidding behind the lockers and watched as she exited the room. "BOO". "Aahhh". "what the fuck sunoo you scared me". I said watching bae exit. "gotta go later" I said walking off. "sure if you know were we are. 'We' I thought, the guys must be hanging out. "just text me" I said as I started to run my feet only ending up on the roof. There I saw bae talking to someone and it was "Oh my god howard from science and physics" they both looked at me. "you know I thought it was gonna be someone good looking but I got my hopes up and followed you here".

 "sunghoon what the--". "you know him" howard cut her off by saying "who doesn't" she said annoyed. Now that I think of it its kinda weird, he's from a different department, so I dont know how he knows her well. Even I barely know anyone from the second department its kinda creepy. Everyone knows him though because of this really embarrassing thing that happened to him. "yo penis breath scram". he looks at me and starts to cry. I guess he still remembers it I mean who could forget. he then ran and left the roof. its kinda sad what happened to him but really amusing to see him cry. "the fuck sunghoon" she said walking up to me pushing me but I didn't budge. "why did you say that". "because I wanted to". "and did you really follow me all the way here". "psh what no, I just wanted some air". "YOU'RE REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF--" her phone cutting her off. she took a deep breath. "hey wonnie". wonnie our wonnie no it can't be. "yea I did meet meet him, no why would I say yes uh where are you guys". she looked at me rolling her eyes and started to walking away. I guess its just me. The breeze is kinda nice up here i'll stay for five minutes and then meet up with sunoo and the rest.

Hey guys Fun Fact: Bet on me and Rollercoaster was a Bop, I just graduated and I finally know all of the BOYNEXTDOOR names and I had a teacher named miss Willson she was a total bitch and always sent me to detention but then she stopped coming to school dunno why tho

Because of my graduation I wasn't able to update but its done know hope you like it. I also noticed i've never done any enhypen pov's before.

Fourth Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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