10- Friends and Rizz books

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 Lily Pov

It's monday and another week. We stand at the school gate, me and the girls, hoping that today won't be a bust. we feel a presence behind us and we turn around to see seven tall males, and I'm honestly not surprised. "what are you waiting for" said jungwon putting his phone in his pocket. "the energy and a reason to go inside but here you are so we'll go" haewon said taking my hand carrying me inside with others following, including the seven males. we are by the lockers now taking out our nessercery books that are needed, the boys just standing there without doing anything, like why are they still here.

"what are you still doing here" haewon said. "lets become friends" jake said biting his lip. "what, your joking". I had to say something. "no I am not, we hung out, we laughed and had fun saturday, so lets just be friends" "so you think hanging out once is enough to make us friends". "yes and they don't seem to mind" he said pointing to the boys behind him once again biting his lip. how are the girls not saying anything I mean they look like they don't care and I shouldn't either too but- "sure". I looked at haewon. "you're serious" "yea, as long as they aren't" annoying". "ok then we sit together at lunch", ok this is the first time i'm gonna skip lunch. and like he was reading my mind. "you're not gonna skip lunch, are you".

 I turned to the girls and looked at them shaking my head. "no i'm not" I said in english watching as a girl about a year younger than me walked up to us. more specifically to jake. "ah, jake-hyung sir asked me to carry some papers but their too heavy do you think you can help, please hyung" I was looking waiting for what he was gonna say, maybe looking a bit too hard, he saw this and the idiot smirked at me I just rolled my eyes and looked away still eavesdropping.

 "I am, sorry but the first bell is about to ring and I really need to get to class so can you ask someone else, maybe next time". and he was right the bell did ring and I looked at the girl bowing and then leave. "her voice kinda sounds forced" I thought out loud. "what it really does". "well since the bell really rang, we'll see you guys at lunch" sunoo waved his hand and walked of with the others, so we went to class too.

Sullyoon Pov

It has been and hour and class was supposed to be finished half hour ago. reason, she kept me back in class, with heeseung, and she went out, god is really testing my patience today. heeseung is bothering me but he isn't being annoying. He took my hand in is grasp and looked at me smiling softly. I rolled my eyes and looked at our hands, I subconsciously found my self playing with one of the rings on his finger.

 "so we are friends now, tell me about yourself" I pinched his finger and he squeezed my hand, it was funny. "why?" I looked at him. "because I wanna get closer to you". He said bring his face close to mine, and I swear I saw him look at my lips for a second but I  probably just blinked too fast. I took my hand out of his grip and pushed him back only to just put my hand back in his grasp to play with his ring again.

"well I am eighteen, and-" "eighteen, you look like your seventeen, your face is so small" he takes his free hand and covers my face, chuckling. so I bit it and he pulls away, his hands are pretty big, my hands look tiny in his. "and" I continue "I have two brothers, but they're abroad with my dad, and my mom is barely home because she works at a hospital". "so are you always at your house by yourself". "no the girls come stay with me sometimes, but other than that yea". "so can I come stay with you, my mom and dad are barely home too". I pinched his finger and he squeezed my hand again. "no" "why" "cause I said so" I slipped the ring off his finger and put it on mine, he has two same ones and I don't see him protesting, so I put my hand back in his grip to play with the other one. "well then say I can come over". "no". "oh there you guys are, I thought you had left"

It was the teacher. "yes you called us" I said taking my hand out heeseung's grip. she signaled us to come to her her desk as she sat. "yes miss" "you and heeseung got the highest in english" I widened my eyes. "him" "I can do great if I put my mind to it". "anyways, I need you two to mark the rest of the english papers". "but it's lunch". heeseung complained. "you can eat in the library, It will just be you two and the librarian, now go and the librarian will give you the papers" so we walked out.

Heeseung Pov

We collected the papers and we found a table by the window. I found a book on the seat, they could've put it back. "rizz book" I mumbled to myself. I opened the book and started to read it. "heeseung" yoona put down her pen and looked at me. "hmm" I replied still reading the book. "I have been marking these papers by myself for about twenty minutes. I put down the book down and looked at the papers that had already been marked and the ones that hadn't. "i'm sorry but this book is really funny, it is a.... rizz book".

 She raised her brows at me looking uninterested. "listen to this, are you the eiffel tower cause I fell for you" she covered her mouth holding back a laugh. "too cheesy". "ok, I want you to look at the first three words". "the first three le- really heeseung you want me". "Is their a problem with that". "it's too corny". "how bout this". I closed the book. "are you april cause I am a fool for you". "hahaha heeseung, so funny but seriously I'm tired and you haven't been helping". "ok, you can sleep and I'll mark the rest of the papers". "thank you". she handed me the pen and took my hand and played with my ring until she drifted to sleep.

It has been, I don't know, but I finished awhile ago, and yoona is still sleeping. I looked at her hand in mine and the ring on her finger and smiled. I don't like her like that, I just think it's cute. I opened my phone and saw it was two thirty and we needed to get to our next period, I didn't want to wake her but I had to. I rubbed her back and she jumped up. "did you finish". "yup" I said putting a elastic band over the papers now that my other hand is free. "did you mess it up". she said sending me daggers. she is grumpy when she wakes. "I didn't, at least I think did". "yah, heeseung, you better had not". "lets go" I stood up saying. "our first period is starting". "yea but we didn't eat anything". "ok we give the papers to miss, then I buy you some bread, sounds good". she nodded giving back the librarian back her pen.

Tenth Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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