2-Damn you

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Sullyhoon Pov

"ugh, life is such a bitch today" I mentioned reaching class, the girls have different classes during the day but after lunch we have some same classes. I entered my history class. "ahh history I fucking hate history" I muttered, one, i'm not using it in the future so I dont know why i have to learn about it, two, because that son of a bitch is in my class, speaking of the devil. "hello sillyhoon". heeseung said taking a seat beside me. Wah, he has the guts to sit next to me. "hello to you leechseung, what the hell do you want". "why, can't a student sit down in their seat". "yeah, just not beside me". "you don't own anything here, I can sit wherever I want". "then just don't bug me". "hm ok, but it won't be easy". today is gonna be shit I can feel it, the teacher walked in and greeted us with a stack full of white papers with words. no no a surprise test. she  walked up to everyone's desk to hand them papers and then finally ours. "No cheating". she said looking directly at heeseung and then walked off after handing us the papers. I smirked because I know he'll cheat and i'm gonna  catch him. I started to write and he did the exact same thing, I look at his paper just to be sure, then- "MISS, SULLYHOONS' CHEATING" huh, oh shit she saw me looking at his paper. "sullyhoon, I expected this from heeseung but you, detention after school and go sit at the back for the rest of the test. "but miss". "no buts, go, now". ugh my day could not get any worse.

After School  

I'm in the detention room all by myself, really out of this whole entire school I am the only one in detention looks like my day can get worse. and my phone is ringing. "bae?". "yea, where are you" bae asks over the phone. "i'm in detention, you guys just head on home without me. "oh, ok, see you lat--" "hello, hello, bae" great now my phone is dead ughhh! . "DAMN YOU LEE HEESEUNG"

Second Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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