3-You're really the worse

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Jiwoo Pov:

Today is wednesday and I came alone at school today because I had to do something for my mom, so I am looking for the girls. "the hallways are really crowded, again" I said to myself and the only reason its crowded is because of enhypen but this time it's just jay. They are literally fangirls and fanboys for this man, they say he is hot dreamy and other words that I don't know how to say. I don't see it tho. I walk pass the crowd and in between some students I see him look at me, I gave him a disgusted look and walked away to continue looking for the girls, and I did by the lockers so I ran to them

Lily Pov:

"hey look its jiwoo" I said pointing out to the girls that the mood maker has come. "hey, how come you didn't come with us today. "I told you she had to do something for her mom jinni". "she had to tell you that about three times" sullyhoon said I giggled at they're cuteness they are really my BEST FRIENDS  I've known them since how long and they are still here. "I love you guys so much" I suddenly said out of nowhere. "weird but love you too" bae said while shrugging her shoulders. Just then the bell rang its time for first period. "see you guys" I said  and I took jiwoo's hand since we have the same class this period. we said our laters and split up to our classes.

 And in the blink of an eye the first period was over and so was lunch I got up from the lunch table and told them i was going to use the bathroom and that i'll see haewon in class. I made my way too the bathroom missing the pair of eyes that smiled at me. I went to the sink to wash my face. "ugh, thank god their is only two periods today, I got a butt ton of homework to do, pluuus I kinda miss my bed, I'm talking to myself again aren't I" I chuckled at myself before turning my head to the door that swung open. And to my surprise it was-- "jake, what are you doing here". "calm down I'm just here to say hi" jake said in english. "you came all the way to the bathroom to say hi, yea I don't fucking believe you you freaking purv. I pushed him out the bathroom and closed the door, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I heard a thud he rested his back against the door I thought. "you know--". 'CLICK'. I mentally gasped and ran to the door holding and twisting the door nob but its wasn't opening. " what kind of door locks from the outside" I mumbled getting frustrated, "I'm not joking jake open the door" I said tugging the nob a little harder thinking it would open. "you know class is starting and I think you should hurry, see you around". "NO jake don't le-- open the door" he left. "ughhh, YOU'RE REALLY THE WORSE SIM JAEYUN". I shouted sliding down the door leaning my back against it. About ten minutes of sulking the door opened even though I almost fell on my back.... I was great full, Iooked up to see who it was and it was miss johnson one of the schools cleaners. I got up and bowed thanking her for letting me out. "thanks miss but how did you find me". "I saw you go in the bathroom for a good while now and you didn't come out, besides I was gonna clean it anyways, now go get to class because it probably has started already". " thanks again miss johnson" I said bowing one last time before running away to class.

Third Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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