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Jiwoo Pov

Drama, that's what class I have today. Me, the girls and some students from the council are the only ones here this early. I'm hungry but I decided to skip breakfast just because. I put my head on the desk to sleep it off, But as usual, their is always an annoyance. "woo". The world always proves me wrong. "what do you want jay". "do you remember the time you slapped me". oh I know where this is going. "mhm". "yea and I said I'm gonna get my revenge". He said as he puts a paper bag on my desk. "you're gonna eat these donuts, a mini one and and a normal one- with chocolate, that sounds familiar". he raised a brow

"I'm not hungry" I said and looked out the widow. "what do you want me to feed you". I turned my head towards him and rolled my eyes so hard It might get stuck. "no, I don't want you to feed me, i'm just not hungry". "I don't believe you, so you're gonna eat it in front of me, or get slapped back". slapped back. "you wouldn't". "no, not unless you eat the donuts, plus I don't want you to starve beside me". well since he isn't gonna shut up. "fine, i'll eat it".

Jay Pov

I don't know why she is being insecure, but I don't want her to feel like she is anybody less. "woo". "hm" she replied with finishing the doughnuts. "you're looking cute right now". her ears turned red. "sh-shut up". "woo". "what". she asked giving me the annoyed look that she started off with. "you have chocolate on your lip". "really where". "would you like me to take it of for you". I said coming close to her face, completely ignoring her question. "e-ew no" she said and pushed me back in my chair, ears turning redder.

 "Woo, you are so dirty what were you thinking". I smiled watching her throw away the napkin she used to wipe her mouth. "shut up". she murmured and put her head on the desk. "jay". "hm". "you wouldn't actually slap me would you". she giggled. So I brought my face close to hers again. "yea, and I wouldn't actually take the chocolate of your mouth". I winked, she turned her head away from me probably blushing mumbling a small 'shut up' , before dozing off a little before the teacher comes.

Sunghoon Pov

Friends that's a strong word for the people we called rivals since the start of the term. We are at lunch, they agreed that since we are friends we should eat together, but we were all waiting for bae cause she was no where to be seen. They say she never skips lunch. "why don't you help them find her". sunoo asked rubbing his belly. "why should I". "I don't know, because we are hungry and another person will help find her quickly". jungwon came in saying. "fine i'll help but, I won't promise i'll find her" I said and got up sick of their nagging.

So that's what I did, with no effort though, I check through some class rooms and two bathrooms, I was about to turn back when I heard knocking from the cleaners closet. I didn't fear the worst cause their was no way, right. But when I opened it I saw her there breathless, sweat dripping from every part of her skin, tears and the sounds of her crying. I ran to her and held her head in my hands sitting on the floor with her. "can you tell me what happened" I asked her softly. she opened her mouth but all that came out were dry sobs and hiccups.

When she finally calmed down, she had my t-shirt in her fist. "could you tell me what happened now" she took a deep breath before opening her mouth. "I-It was howard, h-he s-aid something about it's your f-falt and he said since i-i know you, I must have been in it too a-". "ok, ok stop talking" I said and helped her to the the bathroom so she can freshen up herself. We walked back slowly and I watched her every move, until she randomly started breaking down we had to stop in a empty classroom for a while before she calmed down. I don't know why but it pained me to see her like this, and I was eager to protect her, why should a young woman go through this especially when she didn't do anything. I swear I will make him regret what he did.

"lets go back to lunch and get you something to eat, hm" she nodded and started to walk. We arrived back at the table, the others surprised that I found her. "bae where were you, we looked everywhere for you". lily asked. I was about to say the truth but bae pulled the hem of my jacket and shook her head. "she was in the bathroom and I just so happened to pass her there". "looks like you looked every where but the bathroom", jake mumbled. "yah, I did too, you piece of shit". "wow there, you can't talk to a friend like that, now can you" jake said as he took something from her dish. "anyways, eat before the bell rings" jinni said as she pushed a tray in front of her. I watched as she put on a fake smile and squeezed my jacket tighter, and I couldn't stan it.




Eleventh Chapter. Have a nice day/night


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