Ch. 3: Part Two

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Loid was very distracted that morning when Anya found him making breakfast. So consumed with his thoughts he didn't notice as Anya passed by the kitchen.

That was fine. She didn't want his attention right now. Loid was a frazzle of thoughts that he didn't know what to do with.

None of them related the to the charred eggs that he still stirred in the pan

No. It was filled with anxiety. Concern. Confusion. Anger and frustration. Frustrated that there wasn't much he could do unless Anya talked to him. Confusion over how to handle this. Confusion as to what happened to Anya. Confusion as to how to he would properly deal with any person that could be responsible for this. Or more accurately, conflicted on the best way to make them pay for it. Anxiety over Anya and how deeply it seemed to affect her. Anger that he hadn't seen this sooner. Anger that anyone would distill memories disturbing enough that would cause a little girl to refuse mentioning them. Memories so haunting her eyes glazed over, her knuckles gripping a crayon so hard, they turned white.

He realized it could've been an accident, or an incident that wasn't purposefully caused by another person, but he needed to direct his fury somewhere.

His thoughts were loud, and very well heard.

Anya wondered if she should leave him alone for a couple more minutes.

There was part of her that felt overwhelmed for the care he had for her. But the other part of her was chilled by the ferocity of his thoughts and feelings on the subject. Even so, with this torrent of madness inside him, he calmly stood at the stove, his face giving nothing away.

"Morning, Loid." Yor greeted as she emerged from the hall.

"Oh. Good morning, Yor." Loid was dragged outside of his head. He looked at his eggs as Yor greeted Anya, and realized what he'd done.

"Morning Anya." She joined Anya at the table, a perfect smile that hid thoughts similar to Loid's. The difference was the lack of confusion and an indiscriminate anger that simmered in a deep rage, trouncing every other emotion by a long shot.

It scared the crap out of Anya if she was being honest.

Yor gave Anya a big bear hug before sitting down, wishing she could make everything better.

Loid had told Yor, then.

"Morning, pwease." She returned Yor's greeting. She hoped that if she could be as normal as possible, they'd eventually forget about what happened yesterday. To stop prying. To think she was fine now.

"Oh!" Loid said from the kitchen. "I didn't hear you get up.

"Papa's distracted."

"Uh. . .yes, I suppose." He chuckled reaching for new eggs. He quickly whipped them up to feed his family while Anya fed Bond. He wagged his tail excitedly as he sat patiently for her to over-fill his bowl as usual.

He finished eating before Loid had even sat down. He handed the girls plates of toast and scrambled eggs before he grabbed his own.

"So, Anya." Loid started, filling her with dread that this was another serious conversation.

"Mmhm?" She held her fork in her mouth, apprehensively.

"The other day. Was your stomach really the reason you wanted to skip school?" He asked deceivingly casual. She had conceded to go to school much too easily after he mentioned the doctor.

"Mhmm." The fork still in her mouth. 'Papa's suspicious. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal.'

"So nothing happened at school that upset you?" He looked up at her from his plate.

Anya removed the fork and shook her head. "Anya loves school!" Stated Anya, possibly a little too enthusiastically.

Loid's brow rose, knowing very well that Anya hated studying and classes. "Really?" He said with an air of disbelief.

"Um...." Anya considered what he would believe. "Becky's there." She said.

Loid also knew this very well. "I see." He nodded knowingly. "Everything is fine then, is it?" Loid challenged lightly.

Yor watched on, not sure if she should intrude. But she trusted Loid's judgement.

Anya nearly choked on air as she spoke. "Yes."


Anya didn't look at him for the rest of breakfast, completely focused on her plate.

And Loid watched. She inhaled her food like that of a wild animal, as he wondered if he should've left the subject alone. Until she was ready to breach it herself. He knew people were much more open to discussing things when it's their decision to do so. But this was different. He didn't know why. There was an urgency he couldn't explain and so deeply alarmed at what he was seeing. He worried it would just get worse if she left it unsaid.


Anya didn't think she had ever wanted to leave the house quite as much as she did that morning as she alighted from the bus.

It was still better than being at school. Or anywhere, really.

But Papa was on a warpath to know everything she didn't want him to know even if he didn't know it. He had good intentions, but she couldn't let it happen. It was lot of pressure and a lot of stress.

"Morning pwease." She addressed her best friend, her hair in pigtails as always.

"Good morning." Becky smiled as she hefted her back pack.

Anya quickly fell into step with her as she braced for another day at school.

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