Chapter Fourteen

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He couldn't use a gun.

Loid thought, as he rushed over bushes and through the small groves of trees.

The man was moving to much with Anya in his arm.

Loid had good aim, but he couldn't risk it. He'd use the tranq gun if it came to it, but there was a dark part of him that wanted to cause him pain with his bare hands.

Loid was coming up fast and the director was finally taking notice of him. He grit his teeth and growled in irritation.

At least Loid assumed he was the director by what the guards said. If Anya was as important to him as he thought, it'd make sense he'd try to take her with him.

Loid hopped a bush, ahead of him now. A bench a jumping point, as Twilight leapt, his form shadowing over Kai.

He took careful aim as his leg folded back. Every ounce of strength, speed, and rage was infused as he kicked mid-air, making contact with bone and flesh. The unmistakable crack of ribs fracturing resounded as the man was shot backwards as if yanked by an invisible chain. His body bounced at first impact, tearing grass as his body skidded and rolled. The hit was so powerful and sudden, it ripped Anya away from him.

There was a split second where she hung in the air, Loid instantly there to catch her, and he clutched Anya to his chest. He landed in a crouch as Anya clung to him tightly and cried into his shirt. It didn't even occur to him that she was not struggling to get away. That she held onto him instead.

He felt only relief. Unending protection. Resolve to never let this happen again.

He looked down at her and an arm wrapped around her back to lay a hand on her head.

He had her. She was safe. That piece in his mind that throbbed with anxiety and pressing urgency was alleviated. Something massive lifted off of him the moment he had her in his arms. Relief, as he looked down at her pink head that he hadn't seen in so long, when he noticed.

Noticed the wrappings on her hands that peeked out from her long sleeves. The bandages that told him she had been hurt. Bandages concealing what lay underneath.

It told him to seize the blackest parts of his soul he didn't know existed.

The darkest, most violent urges took hold. To give untold pain until the broken man begged for death.

He stood, glaring at the director groaning in the dirt, trying to catch his breath. He coughed blood while he bent over the ground and scarlet liquid spattered the torn up grass.

Loid was going to kill him.

He saw how it was going to happen. It was violent and brutal. He wouldn't need a gun for this death.

This pathetic excuse for a man didn't deserve it.

He was ready to beat this man senseless. To take away any pride the director had left and grind it into the dirt along with his splintered bones.

He started towards him, wrath and vengeance fuelling him, when he stopped at the sound of shattering glass exploding in a cacophony of trinkling shards bursting outwards. It showered the ground below.

Both Loid and Anya looked up to see the essence of wrath and death descending upon them. Her eyes were dark and foreboding, promising pain and bloodshed.

From a window high up, she leapt, a demon locked onto her target.

Loid almost didn't recognize her.

He barely evaded the attack aimed at his head. He dived out of the way and rolled to absorb the impact as Anya grasped to him tightly.

Never had he felt such an immediate, pressing threat on his life. A killing intent so heavy, it saturated the air sending chills that sank deep, deep, into his bones.

Yor's foot impacted the ground, sending a cloud of dirt from the indent made by her foot. The sheer force of it made the earth rumble as if it'd been inconvenienced.

It would have killed him on the spot.

With agility that surpassed any cat he's ever seen, without a second of hesitation, she pivoted on her foot and pounced with a knife suddenly in her hands reaching for his face. Her speed was unmatched.

Too fast. He didn't have time to dodge.

"DON'T KILL PAPA!!" Anya screamed and Yor froze mid-swipe. A slice was left in his face before the blade delved any deeper and Loid's mask was compromised.

Not a sound passed as the knife was eased away and hovered there.

No movement as a strip of blood graced Twilight's features. Puddled where skin met fake skin. Trickled down his cheek to seep into the soil.

The night air, stilled, as Yor studied his unfamiliar appearance.




The knife lowered as the dazed Thorn Princess' eyes widened.

It couldn't be.

He had the same build. He held Anya so gently. The tear had ripped more than flesh.

A hand reached for him.

She felt time slow as her fingers felt the odd texture of his face before she dragged her hand down and pulled the mask off.

She shuddered a breath as she stood up straight, the disguise falling to the ground, and they stared at each other with Anya looking between them.

Neither of them said anything. They were too stunned to speak. Too many questions. Not enough answers to give. Not enough brain power to process what was happening.

It could have been an eternity.

So very still. So very quiet. So very condemning.

It made Anya nervous, watching them be this way. Not enemies, but not allies. Not fighting, but not aiding. A middle ground where they stood evaluating each other. Debating. Questioning. Panicking. Wondering.



Anya broke it, looking up at Yor. "Mama?" She asked, feeling calmer than before. Feeling safe.

Yor didn't answer, but her eyes moved to her. Processed.

She cupped Anya's face in her hands with a kiss on her forehead as she started to cry softly. Which in turn made Anya cry.

It seemed to wake Loid out of a stupor.

Anya speaking had broken him out of his head. Yor interacting with her daughter, a call to wake up.

He tried not to get swept up and keep himself from questioning Yor being here right now.

There wasn't time.
He was having trouble focusing on the situation as it was.




Loid snapped his head up.

A patch of torn grass lay empty.

The director.

Was not where he'd left him.

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