Chapter Nineteen

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Anya knew everything. She'd known since the beginning.

Loid thought for the tenth time that day, the document he picked up from a pile on the table, not really seen. Papers meant to prepare him for his next mission and he studied them the following afternoon since the SSS.

Anya knew everything, and she hadn't said a word, he thought again.

That Loid was a spy. That Yor was an assassin. About Operation Strix.

She'd known exactly what she was doing when she fixed them up at the tailor's. Known why Loid had asked her to pretend to be his biological daughter.

These were all assumptions, of course, as he hadn't asked her, yet. But he almost felt there was no need to, it was practically assured. How could she not?

The document was put down to pick up another.

He doubted he should bring it up, if it was already strongly insinuated. There wouldn't be much point other than to make Anya uncomfortable who seemed to be avoiding the topic.

He wasn't completely sure why. Maybe it was because it was something she just didn't talk about. She had probably never talked about it with anyone outside the lab.

Well, it didn't matter, he decided.

They had all the time to get to it, she'd bring it up when she wanted to.

He looked up from his work where he sat in the living room, his work covering half the coffee table. The other half, covered in Anya's drawings that she drew aggressively. Yor joining her on the floor, rendering different kinds of knives in vivid detail.

'How did I manage to end up with an assassin as a wife and a telepath for a daughter?' He thought, though he knew the answer.

It was all Anya's doing.

At the orphanage, she must've used her telepathy to appear smart, and he suspected she'd matched him with Yor because she was an assassin. He would've wondered how she felt about their secret identities, but considering she knew from the start, he doubted she cared.

Or did she? How did she feel about Operation Strix? Did she feel used? Was she indifferent? She must know about it, when it was on his mind so much.

He wondered if he should ask.

But what was he going to do if Anya didn't want to help? How was he going to complete it without her? He couldn't very well scrap it, there was too much at stake. Even if he adopted another child, he'd have to wait until next year. Then try to get them accepted in the same grade as Damian, though it was infamously harder to get children accepted after Primary.

And then there was the fact, that the board would be suspicious of why there was no application for the second child the same time as Anya. Or how she had a sibling so close in age that wasn't her twin. He could say he adopted, but it was near impossible to get them enrolled, and he couldn't risk any trace of skepticism. So Anya was his best shot, and if she wasn't willing to help, he wasn't sure what he was going to do.

He needed to have a talk with her, and if not for his mission the next day, he would have.

But as it was, he didn't find a time to mention it before the family stood outside waiting for the bus. Where each parent held a hand and a hesitancy to send her off.

Anya, who was ready to go and see Becky, was oblivious to it. The cloud of happiness she floated on, putting her in high spirits.

And why wouldn't she be? She had a promise from her parents that they'd always love her. Always keep her safe.

Loid had resorted to risky lengths to do so, and told the Handler he found very little that could be useful to W.I.S.E. A statement which was technically true, but it was that very little piece he kept from them.

He turned his head at the yellow bus coming their way to stop at the curb. It's glass doors folded open to reveal the bus driver.

"Hide outside if there's another fire alarm." Loid said before Anya could leave.

"Be suspicious of everyone." Yor added.

"Tell the school you're sick and have to go home if you don't feel safe." Her Papa continued.

"Go for the knees if someone tries to take you again." Yor told her.

Anya sweat-dropped.

"K." She said, making to move forward, but jerked to a stop and slid back. She looked up at her parents who hadn't released her hands.

"Ya know. . ." Loid started.

"Maybe you should stay home for another week." Yor finished the thought.

Anya looked between them and glanced at the bus driver who was waiting. Looked back to Loid and whispered, "What about Plan B?" She said, making him clear his throat.

'So she had known' Confirming what he suspected. It was unsettling hearing her say that. Things he was still getting used to her knowing. "Another week isn't going to hurt."

Anya removed her hands from her parent's and patted their legs. "S'all good." She said to both of them, before getting on the bus.

They were less than enthusiastic when she waved to them as it drove off.

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