Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The bullet buzzed past Twilight's ear as he took cover behind the thick tree and reloaded his gun, an action felt out by touch, nearly completely blind in this sopping darkness.

The plan had gone steeply askew and rankled every bit of him. Their operation hinged heavily on stealth and infiltration and it was thwarted from the get-go. He thought he could still salvage it, but it was going to take a lot of improvisation.

And killing.

He didn't know where Yor was. Probably in the trees somewhere. They had been split up and had no idea if she was okay, how many she'd dispatched, because even if she was dead, there was no way she'd go down on her own.

She wasn't dead. It was hard to imagine that anyone would be able to kill her.

His gun clicked, ready to go, and he resented the bad timing when it had run out. He might've shot that agent down if his gun hadn't emptied. They would've moved by now if they were smart.

They weren't and shot again.

The bullet hit his tree, and though it spiked his heart up briefly, he kept his calm and returned fire.

He missed.

There were no shouts of pain or alarm, no body falling to the ground.

"Tch!" Twilight was growing frustrated with the darkness that depleted his senses of sight and the downpour that impaired his hearing somewhat. He'd been calculating the hostiles locations by the direction of the bullet, if he could discern it, and the sound of where it manifested from. But he'd only hit once, and it wasn't enough against those who had night vision goggles. It was the only thing that made sense with their accuracy and frequency.

The only reason he and Yor had evaded detection earlier was because of their exceptional stealth, but now that they'd been discovered, the agents knew to search for them.

Twilight was smart and changed positions. He'd been moving constantly, keeping the agents on their toes and the denseness of the forest had protected him from being shot at on all sides.

He drowned out the rain as much as possible, listening for every scuff, any shift, the tiniest breath that alluded to anyone's whereabouts, and moved from tree to tree, a blur of movement too quick for the agents to track.

He'd planned to go straight for the agent he'd shot down, but another found and targeted him. For a moment, Twilight had let them, his hope to target them back, failing. It was pointless to continue when a dead body lay around up ahead somewhere and he could steal their goggles.

"Aaahh!—" A scream cut through the rain like a dull knife from his attacker's direction, and was swiftly cut off. A body tumbled through branches, weak and dead limbs snapping under their sudden weight.

The muted noises fell to silence.

And there was Yor.

That was at least two down. He had no clue if Yor had disposed of any others, she could have killed them silently.

Twilight continued on.

He dodged a bullet shot his way and continued on with grim determination as if it was of little consequence to him. Once he had the gear, attempts on the agents now would seem like wasted effort.

Another one whizzed by and he dodged again, nearly ramming into a tree.

He grit his teeth in annoyance and coiled his hammering heart and anger into calculative control.

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