Ch. 16: Part Two

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Yuri was disturbed by what he found.

The experiments. The amount of dead children. The ways they kept a tight leash on uncooperative people.

What the experiments were for.

But no names. Everyone was referred to as a number and there was nothing about the director.

So here he went again, into the interrogation room, and slapped some files down on the table. He sat across from Brook who held more or less the same attitude she'd always had: Stubborn, unflappable, and apparently unconcerned what happened to her.

"Elijah?" Was her first question, her face still straight. Ungiving.

"He's safe." He assured her.

"Can I see him?"

"He's in the hospital."

Brook nodded, sucking on a tooth. "Is he hurt?"

Yuri paused, wondering how she was going to take this. "Not physically. But his mind didn't seem to be present. He was unresponsive and unaware of his surroundings." Yuri leaned back in the chair folding his arms.

She nodded again, unsurprised.

Yuri raised an eyebrow. "You're not worried?"

She sighed a sigh that was somehow condescending. "Of course I am. He's my son. I'll always be worried."


"He's been that way since birth." She answered, unemotionally.

"I see." Yuri leaned forward again. They had work to do, the only reason for her continued presence. That, and until they had confirmed her claims and the lab was taken down, they couldn't know if she was lying. If the director extorting her turned out to be true, she'd probably be free soon.

He needed information first. "Well, I didn't come to talk about him." Yuri grabbed one of the files, opened it, "This." and placed it in front of her to read. His starting point.

She took one glance at it. "What of it?"

"You know who they are." He stated. "Don't you?

She didn't move. Didn't answer. Eyed him, telling him it was going to be difficult getting the answers he needed. The names of the subjects, who could easily pose a threat to national security, no matter how young, and could grow up to be the perfect spies.

"Withholding this information is obstruction. You will most likely be acquitted on the grounds of extortion, do you really want to jeopardize the chance to go free?" Yuri tried.

"I got what I wanted."

"You'd risk prison time to keep this information to yourself?"



She folded her legs, leaning back in her chair. Silent.

She was intricating herself. When she was so close to freedom. What for?

"I'm afraid we need these answers, and you won't be leaving until we have them." He warned.

"What are you gonna do? Torture me? Cause that didn't work so well last time." She rebuffed.

"And your son?" Yuri asked. "We can keep him from you if you don't cooperate." He threatened and she had the gall to shrug. So easily. So readily. Not a care in the world.

"If he's in the hospital, he's better off than he's ever been. I'm satisfied knowing he's safe."

Yuri was running out of things to throw at her. She was unbothered by his efforts. "And what about death? Would you tell us under threat of execution?" Yuri asked, knowing he wouldn't have her killed. He'd already promised she wouldn't be. But she'd given up the lab's location under that premise, maybe she'd do it again. He was curious.

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