Chapter Seven

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 The director.

Kai Forester.

Stood in front of Anya awaiting her reply. He towered over her at six feet, but so did every other adult. He crossed his arms, staring down at her, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Welcome back."

He had said. With his twisted smile, and a tone conveying how triumphant he truly felt. Anya was a scarce resource and now he could get to work.

Agent Fisher nodded a greeting to him which he ignored. All attention was on Anya.

What a joke. As if she'd had a choice. Anya thought vehemently, thinking of all the times she had wished death and pain on him.

"Well?" He asked. "Say something. It's rude to leave people hanging." A bite of irritation lacing his words.

Anya glanced at Fisher who subtly raised her eyebrow at his remark. She didn't seem surprised by his hypocrisy.

He didn't notice.

Anya's first response was to hide behind the safety of Fisher's legs, wishing he'd go away. Wishing she didn't have to look at his face. As much as Anya disliked Fisher, she liked her better than the director.

"Anya." His voice suddenly hard and cold. A warning.

She developed a cold sweat, grasping tightly to Fisher's pants.

"Tch." He said, irritation prickling. "Is that anyway to treat your father?" He said icily. "Come out and greet me properly." He demanded. His voice low and rough. He was getting angry. It never took much.

"Sir." Fisher started before Anya could react. "She's tired from studying. Perhaps-"

"Did I ask?" He cut her off, finally looking at her.

"No, sir."

"Then don't. Interfere." He warned.

"Yes, sir."

"Anya! You're being disgraceful. Come out now." He ordered once more. "I won't say it again."

Anya knew what that meant.

She slowly came out of hiding, still clutching the agents leg, as if she'd protect her.

Anya knew she wouldn't.

"Now. What do you say?" He asked.

"Thank you." She mumbled, unable to look at him. Cursing him in her mind with every bad word she knew.

"What was that?" He asked flatly. "Speak up."

"Thank you." She said a little louder.

"There, see? Now was that so hard?" He asked, appeased for the moment.

Anya shook her head at her feet, resisting the urge to glare up at him.

"Now" His mood miraculously restored as he walked over to the bench and sat down. "We should have a little chat, I think. Come sit." He patted the seat next to him, a slight smile gracing his face.

An ugly face, Anya had always thought. But she was pretty biased.

Reluctantly, (thinking It pretty stupid to refuse) she climbed up and sat as far away from him as possible.

"Now, Anya." He started like a real father who actually cared and was giving her a heart to heart. "We need to talk about your escapades. You ran away from home, didn't you?" He said softly. Gentle almost.

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