Chapter Thirteen

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 Loid was out the door the second he had what he wanted, ignoring the Handler calling after him.

Five weeks.

He wasn't wasting another second.

Loid had so many questions, so many answers he wanted, but right now all that mattered was getting Anya back.

He loaded up with whatever he might need before jumping into his car and heading home. Black clothes, that would blend into the darkening sky, he grabbed, getting back in the car.

He was doing this tonight. He'd get in as close as he could and improvise a plan once he knew what exactly he was dealing with.

He already knew he'd be doing this by himself. Agents were scarce these days and they had their own missions. Stealth missions were easier on his own, anyway.

He already started formulating, adaptable to whatever he would learn in observation.

Loid drove for at least an hour. The scenery turned from urban to thick forests, the trees, taller the farther he went out.

He checked the map several times, trying to waste as little time as possible. The fewer wrong turns the better.

As he neared, he parked the car on the deserted road a ways away and changed into his spy gear.

One never knows what's waiting. Maybe they'd be outdoors, hear the car, maybe they'd have surveillance. Security guards watching the entrance.

He couldn't risk anything.

Loid crept into the forest, glad the weather had damped the dead leaves that would otherwise crunch under his feet. It was silent. The evening turned to night, the woods near pitch black.

He hiked for another twenty minutes before he saw the pale reflections of stray moonlight hitting the walls of the large building. It sat in a clearing, filling out the space. Woods specifically cleared for it to nestle unseen under wide-reaching branches. A narrow dirt road led away from the entrance to Loid's right, Loid being on the right side of the lab.

The forest being a forest, had uneven terrain, and Loid took advantage. He quickly found a dip in the earth and crested over the top to peer through his binoculars. He counted at least three cameras attached to the building from where he lay prone, a couple security personnel patrolling the outside. A door caught his attention at one end that he suspected the guards had a key to.

That was his way in.


Yor drove Kiara's car through the streets like a madwoman.

The late hour left few people on the roads, leaving her very unworried. She was well on her way to the lab where roads were all but deserted anyway, so what did it matter?
Yor wasn't waiting another second to get Anya out of there. She was so angry every time she thought about what a horrid place Anya was in.

Kiara had given everything she could on the subject, location mostly, and previous dealings with the organization that Yor could care less about.

She didn't listen very well once she heard what she wanted.

Kiara was trembling when she found her, easily plied of her knowledge of the place. She'd killed her of course, leaving her alive was out of the question. You'd have to be a horrible person to aid in something so awful as one of these labs.

Yor stepped on the gas, rage building the more she thought about it. Emotions she didn't know what to do with, spurring her on. So she sped through, driving fuelled by anger and conviction, missing several turns. She got lost once or twice, but miraculously reached the lab within a reasonable time-frame.

She ditched the car somewhere, trekking silently through the woods, a piece of the shadows. She gained a clear view of the building from the massive trees she climbed.

The road led away from the building to her left.

There weren't too many people outside. She could dispatch them easily. Her knives would make quick work of the cameras. There was a door she could break into. Or walk into, she supposed if she took the guards keys. She highly doubted it'd be left unlocked.

She took stock of everything again before preparing to invade.


This plan might work.

Yuri thought as he climbed into the supply van. He was forty percent sure this was going to fail. But Brook, the spy's real name, assured him it would succeed.

He'd wished he'd asked her more questions. But once he got the map and she pointed to the lab's location, every braincell went into finding a way in. His sister was counting on him, not that she knew that, and he wasn't going to fail her. Brook could wait.

Yuri took a look at the map once more before starting up the vehicle. It was going to be dark soon.

Yuri drove.

And drove.

The sky grew dark.

Until he finally turned a corner that led down a narrow dirt road trailing on for a few minutes before reaching his destination.

He drove up to the check-point and handed papers and a forged ID to the agent manning the gate.

If Brook didn't have so much information on the lab, this plan would definitely not work.

Yuri had acquired the same make and model van that the lab used, prepared the van with medical supplies that he stacked up to the ceiling, and a reforged lab ID from Brook.

The agent checked the contents before slapping the side and sending him indoors to the hangar.

Brook was right. They didn't question him.

He parked beside another van identical to his own and jumped out. He took in his surroundings and insured he was alone.

Yuri headed for the door that led into the laboratory. It was locked as he expected.

He drew out his lock-picks, the first taking at least three minutes before he heard a click.

He got the second lock, quicker. The third lock, longer.

The door was heavy, thick iron that squealed horribly as he opened it. It was almost better to close it fast behind him.

He stood in a white hallway with white floors.

He was in.

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