Ch. 27: Part Two

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 It wasn't enough. It would never be enough.

Yor tore through the agents as if they were nothing. Minor inconveniences that bled so easily, that broke with a touch of her hand, that crumpled under the force of her foot. They were killed so effortlessly, and it was unsatisfying. Each blow carried great anger and hate, and though she vented it on them, it never ended. There was always more, and then suddenly all the agents were dead.

What did she do with all this rage?

Yor didn't like this. She didn't like Anya being outside of her protection. She was so close, she wanted to kill every last person until that gap was gone. She wanted to storm in, slice open some throats, destroy any remnant of the director, his lab, anything that took Anya away from her.

But Loid.

He had a plan, and it didn't involve all that. Not until they had Anya that is.

And Yor chafed, not because she disagreed with Loid, but because it went against her impulses.

She knew her way was reckless. By storming the lab, the director would be alerted and would try to flee with Anya again. The agents would attack them and slow their progress. They couldn't risk it.

So they were to use stealth if at all possible.

Yor was good at stealth, she excelled at it, it was a simple thing.

But she would have preferred death and pain.

In the aftermath of killing and maiming, Yor found Loid dragging a couple bodies and helped bury them in a shallow grave. They had stolen their uniforms and Loid had memorized their faces before returning to the clearing.

It was not much better than the woods, visibility-wise. No stars shone through the dark clouds and moonlight was nearly non-existent.

The doors had since been closed and waiting for someone else to open it wasn't an option.

Yor felt around for the edges, her fingers digging down through the thin layer of soaked dirt and moss, and pulled.

The door was heavy, even for her, and lifted it to shoulder height. She gestured for Loid to enter and quietly set it back down as she followed.

The ramp was slippery and they carefully descended into the dark tunnel where a couple vehicles sat.

The keys were inside and they turned it on for the light, immediately changing into the uniforms. They had to be fast before more agents came to investigate.

Yor took off her goggles and in the relative dryness of the tunnel, Loid transformed her into Agent Hazel, so said the security ID.

He told her not to touch her face or her hair and Loid made himself a disguise identical to the original.

Yor hopped into the passenger seat of the large vehicle, uncomfortable in someone else's wet clothes and ignored it as best she could.

This was strange to her. Pretending to be someone else. Wearing their face, their attire, taking their name and playing their life. They'd only just started and already she was itching to be herself again.

They spoke briefly on the short drive, rehearsing falsified facts, running through the lie they would tell if anyone asked.

Which they would.

If they could make this work, then finding Anya and getting her out would be simple. Hopefully they'd be able to sneak out as well, instead of fighting, and no one would know they were there.

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