Chapter Ten

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(Three weeks since kidnapping. [Taking place between Anya's two previously mentioned jobs])

Loid had been right.

He didn't know if he should be happy or upset. A rage and an overwhelming relief. Severe disappointment in himself he didn't put this together sooner.

W.I.S.E. kept tabs on the S.S.S. Their activity, cases, anything that could be useful to them.

It was no secret to them that Yuri and his colleagues had taken down experimentation labs in the past.

Ones for animals, but also for humans.

After looking into it, Franky confirmed that subjects were often found wearing clothes akin to hospital gowns. But not quite.

So now he needed to know: Which lab, and where was it?

Human experimentation labs were infamously difficult to find. The secret police had only ever found two.

Loid was out of his jurisdiction, here, as well. W.I.S.E. obtained information and used it for the good of the country. They didn't storm labs, they didn't search them out. That was the police's job.

The handler had told him it might be better to tip off the police once he found the lab, but he wasn't going to leave his daughter in someone else's hands.

The handler was at least giving him a choice.

Everything else in Loid's life was pushed to the side as he put all his effort into his next steps.

The labs were near impossible find. He had no leads. There was nothing showing him the way to go, but he'd figure it out.

He was Twilight after all.

He was a freakin' spy.


(Week Four, Present Time.)

Anya watched the skull's top come loose from his head, the doctor placing it aside. Prepared his tools. It made her feel sick every time.

Another body.

Same question asked: Who killed him.

It was usually what the client wanted to know when they were brought in. Or they'd want to know if they were a rat. If they gave away information. If they were a thief.

Untrusting place, the underworld.

"Go ahead." Kai stood beside her as he always did when she read dead people. Ready to pass the information along.

He was the only reason she didn't look away. Squeeze her eyes tight when the doctor took out the saw. Protect her ears from the sound of it cutting bone away.

He expected her learn how to do all of this herself when she was older, the thought enough to make her hurl.

Anya could feel herself getting sick already, but she focused, closing her eyes.

This one was hard to see through. Foggier than any other of these minds she's read before. Absolutely steeped in terror and pain in his last moments.

She pushed through, brushing aside memories useless to her.

Sometimes she could follow where the fear and pain stemmed from. Permeating all around the dead memories but strongest at its source.

The fear was so strong it was easy.

She came upon it quickly, taking her breath away as she dug into it.

The man sat broken on the ground, twisted limbs, bruised ribs and jaw. He couldn't feel his left leg anymore. His gaze was aimed at the ground, groggy and out of breath.

A pair of black boots were in his vision, the end of a cloak perhaps, hanging down mid-calf.

The man was so tired. He couldn't take this anymore.

His memories were hard to see or hear through, but she could feel the intentions well enough. Words trickling through here and there.

Anya could've sworn she heard the faceless person say her name.

He told the person standing over him what they wanted to hear in answer.

When he looked up revealing her Mama, Anya's heart nearly jumped out of her chest in joy while also being entirely aware of how her mama's victims felt in her presence.

Anya wasn't scared of her.

But the man was downright terrified. He almost welcomed the blade to his throat as she slashed it in one deft movement. Welcoming blessed death.

Anya gasped, rocketed back like waking from a dream. A hand to her throat, slit but a moment ago, crying.

She bawled as she convulsed, grabbing for the bucket Fisher always prepared.

'Mama is looking for Anya.' She thought over and over. 'Mama is looking for Anya.'

She didn't know she needed concrete proof until right then. Mama wasn't forgetting her. She wasn't going to give up on her. Mama was looking for her.

A well of relief swelled. Raw emotion she didn't know what to do with, spilling out of her. Her chest racked and heaved, gasps of air hard to come by.

Kai clicked his tongue in annoyance. "That's enough. What did you see?"

Anya wiped at her eyes and nose, sobbing between words. "He was-hiccup-wear-ing a- hiccup-mask." She lied.

"Calm down! There's no need to cry over it." He stated.

"It was scawwy." She cried, not a lie from the man's perspective.

Kai pinched his nose, head bowing toward the floor. He was not pleased. "Why was he killed?" He ground out, losing patience with the child.

Anya caught his tone and reeled it in as best she could, still hiccupping through her words. "He-he didn't know." Her voice shook.

She wasn't a good liar, but her crying seemed to cover it up.

Kai didn't press further.

Occasionally this happened.

He didn't like it, but he couldn't do much about it.

Anya could tell this was going to put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day, but she didn't care.

Her Mama was coming for her.

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