Ch. 28: Part Three

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Kai's head suddenly reeled back.

Like a bullet whizzing over Twilight's head, a knife had split through the air, and he almost heard it streaming off the blade. It was a blink, a blur of movement, and he'd felt it coming before he saw the blunt end of a needle-like weapon smack into the middle of the director's forehead and flip upwards several times off of it.

So fast was it, It was as if it materialized from thin air and Kai fell unconscious the second it made impact. His arms lowered, his pistol dropped, his body listed backwards, and there was an indent over his eyebrows.

Kai Forester was out cold before his body even hit the ground in a splash of cold sprays and chaotic ripples.

The knife landed with a plopping sploosh.


Twilight ducked his head.

Thwack! A cloud of dust and chips exploded from the wall behind him.

"Tch!" Movement was increasing and Twilight's gun was finally high enough, his fingers feeling enough, to operate the trigger.

Bang! His arm shook from the effort, but a bullet furthered the fractures that spiderwebbed the glass.


And it was over.

The agent who'd stood in the back, had painted the white concrete red when her head smashed into the wall. It was spattered thoroughly with blood and the liquid smeared down the surface as the corpse crumpled to the ground. A bead of blood leaked from her forehead and her once clear eyes glazed over.

Twilight recognized her as the agent from the political event and the zoo. He didn't want her dead quite as much as the director, but not so little that he didn't.

He was tired. His muscles ached and trembled, his bones tingled, and in the sudden moment of respite, Twilight braced a hand on the floor. She was dead, the director was down, and he and Yor breathed heavily. It was all he could do to keep upright and he hoped this didn't last much longer.

The affects weren't quite gone and Twilight's leg still shook when he brought a knee up and rested on the other. He couldn't really feel them and it was the only thing stopping him from rushing over to Anya who sat hunched over.

The room was quiet but for their huffing, and the rippling water gradually smoothed to near stillness as Loid and Yor gathered themselves and took stock of the situation.

It was finally still, a paused moment, and a semblance of calm—

Wham! "Director!" The door slammed open and a harried agent balked at the scene in front of him.

"NO!" Yor yelled irritatedly and the man didn't have a chance to scream before he was killed with a knife to the chest.

The door closed slowly behind him as the water leaked red from his wound.

Yor sighed and rested for another moment before calling up her energy to stand. She ignored the wavering in her legs and made her way to the window. Her body had never felt so compromised before, the way it wanted to collapse and not move for days disturbed her. She didn't like it. This was never going to happen again.

Anya remained still, her face bowed, and Yor called for her. Worse than her body, it disturbed her more that her daughter wasn't reacting to anything. She didn't even seem to notice the dead body behind her.

Loid lifted himself up a second later, and dragged his feet forward. "Is she okay?" He asked her as he reached her side.

"She's not responding. Anya!" With a palm, Yor lightly banged the glass twice and moved further down, as far away from her daughter as she could get. Her hand reached back, and as she shot it forward, it fisted and smashed through the glass. Shards burst and skittered over the floor and the thorn princess used her shoe to clear remaining pieces that hugged the frame.

"Anya." She jumped through and Loid followed. Anya was here, they were here, she was safe, they'd be out of here soon and this would never, ever, ever, ever happen, ever again. Yor reached out and touched Anya's shoulder and she flinched. She'd never flinched at her touch before.

"Anya?" Yor said worriedly as she picked her up and her daughter didn't grab hold of her, she didn't take comfort in her as she usually seemed to. She kept her fists over her eyes and refused to look up.

Yor whipped an anxious glance at Loid as he stepped closer and Anya reacted the same when touched her head.

"Ugh. . ." The director groaned from the other room and Yor was torn between him and Anya. She had let Kai live for a reason. For a time.

"Here." Yor regretfully handed Anya over to Loid. "Go find the Desmond boy and get her out of here. I'll meet you at the hangar." She said and turned back to the large hole she'd made. "I'll deal with him." She said and her vague declaration wasn't so vague.

If Loid was displeased with this turn-out, that he wouldn't be killing Kai himself, he didn't show it. "Don't take too long." He said.

Twilight stepped towards the door holding Anya tightly. She didn't grasp for him either like last time and it distressed him. She obviously wasn't in a right state of mind and she didn't seek comfort from her parents.

Twilight paused with a hand on the doorknob, itching to take out his anger on the director. "Make sure he doesn't scream." He told Yor. "You'll be interrupted if he's heard." 

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