Ch. 7: Part Two

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Anya hated this the most.

She thought, standing behind a screen next to the director looking at a dead body.

Kai occasionally brought freshly dead bodies, or specially frozen ones, for Anya to look at.

Or more accurately, for Anya to listen to.

"Put your hands down." He said when Anya covered her face as the doctors prepared the bone saw.

"You're going to have to learn to do this eventually, don't shy from it." Kai insisted.

Anya's hands left her face, but couldn't help but look away as the saw bore into the mans skull.

"Look!" He said, placing a hand on her head and forcibly turning it.

The saw buzzed, making it's way around. Blood splatters painted the doctors protective overwear.

Anya had seen this before, but never got used to it.

The doctor put the saw down, and removed the top of the man's head, exposing his untouched brain.

"Pay attention. This part is important." The director instructed her as the doctor pulled out a machine attached by wires to two, small, devices.

He tested them to make sure they worked before placing them on the hippocampus, sending electrical currents.

"Search his memories for his killer, what do you see?" Kai asked.

Anya took a deep breath.

She closed her eyes, concentrating.

Dead minds were cold. Hollow. They gave her chills when she touched them. They felt dead. Made her skin scrawl and shiver. Sometimes they felt slimy and dank. Maybe dark and foggy. Or like that one time when it felt like it was trying to drag her down with it.

Anya already started to feel the affects.

She saw the faint flickering of memories flashing around, bringing her to attention. None of them organized or filed away. Like floating about aimlessly, nothing to tether them down.

Her stomach turned, fighting to rise up. Dizziness making it hard to focus.

'Anya better do this quick', she thought.

This mind was especially foggy.

Anya guessed it was from fear taking over the persons thoughts as they died, unable to focus on anything else.

She roamed through them for a couple minutes, trying to keep her stomach down, when she finally found it.

A man pointing a gun at her, or rather the dead guy, and shooting him in the chest.

As if it'd happened to her, she gasped stumbling away, eyes flying open.

The nausea from reading his mind overcoming her, she threw up in the bucket Agent Fisher held out for her.

Reading dead people was the worst.

"What did you see?" Kai wasted no time.

"He was shot." She croaked, coughing into the bucket.

"Yes, I know that. There's a bullet in his heart." He replied deceivingly calm.

"He had grey hair and brown eyes. And a drawing on his neck." She said turning to him.

"A tattoo? What was it?"

"Umm..." Anya tried hard to remember, but the memories of dead people were hazy. Details were always hard to see.

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