enemy // k. woonhak

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Your POV

There's a boy in my class named Woonhak. We're a rival in school whenever it comes to exams or whatever that we need to be competing with each other.

We'd always fight for the first place in class and in our year that makes the other students look forward to the winner of the first place in the exams.

As usual, Woonhak will tease me if he ever gets better grades.

"Look at this, Y/n. I scored 96%!" Woonhak said as he showed me his math paper.

I let out a sigh. "Well down Woonhak." I said sarcastically. The smile on his face grew wider and he looked even prouder of himself.

"What's wrong with you scoring a.. 92%?!" He surprised.

"Because that's all I can get, Mr. Kim." I replied nonchalantly. "Now, get out of my way. I need to go." I shoved past him and left the class.

As I was walking through the hallway and leaving the school, I could feel a presence behind me all the time. Realising who it is, I let out a heavy sigh of frustration and turned around.

"What do you want Woonhak?" My eyes narrowed as I looked into his.

"Um.. do you want to have some ice cream? Coffee maybe? My treat." His mouth formed an awkward smile.

"Yah Woonhak!" I ran quickly to get closer to him. He flinched by the close distance of us.

"W- What?"

"Are you sick? You need medicine?" I said, half joking and half serious. His eyes instantly shot me a glare as I laugh at him.

"Thanks for your kindness, but I need to go home. Bye." I bid him goodbye and walked away from him.

Woonhak's POV

I watched her get far away as I froze in my spot. "Argh.. I lost my chance again! I should've tried harder." I groan in frustration.

The next week, I was sitting in my class and waiting for the others to come. Then, I realised something. Y/n usually comes early but she still isn't here even after the class started.

When the recess came, I couldn't bear myself from asking her friends about it and I got really shocked with her response.

"Haerin!" I yelled, trying to stop the latter from leaving the classroom. She stopped and faced me. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" She said.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked, her lips immediately turning into a smirk.

"Why? I thought you wouldn't care about her?" She said sarcastically.

"N- No. It's just-"

"She has transferred to Japan starting today. Family matters."

"WHAT?!" I was so surprised that I unintentionally yelled.

"Yah! No need to shout!" She scolds.

"Wait.. you said what?" I asked her to repeat it just in case I heard it wrong. I hope it's wrong.

"You hear me right. She transferred." Without any more words, she left me alone in the class trying to process the words she said.

"She transferred? Why?"


The last class ended. I reached my house in no time and was greeted by my big brother.

"Someone's sad today." He teased.

"Shut up bro." I sighed, walking to my bedroom upstairs but was stopped by my brother.

"What~?" I groaned.

"A girl stopped by earlier. She left you a box i-"

I cut him off by sprinting back downstairs. "WHERE?" I yelled.

"You didn't even let me finish!"



As I ran to the kitchen, I saw a navy blue coloured box. I opened it and I was right, it's from here. The box contains a novel and a basketball jersey of my favourite team.

It has my name on it with a number of 29. There's also a letter in it and I read it quickly.

"Yah, are you happy now that I'm no longer your rival? I think so. Well, since I'm transferring, you should get first place every time. But just a reminder, it won't take long. I'll be back soon Woonhak. So, prepare and get ready for my comeback ;)


I chuckled lightly. "Yah.. I'm not happy without you." My eyes softened as I re-read the two last sentences.

She'll be back soon. I'm gonna wait. I will. It's only fun to compete for the first place with her. "I'll wait for you."

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