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Standing in the kitchen i was thinking what to make for lunch as it was afternoon now. Mom told me that she will help me with cooking but i refused as dad needs someone beside him due to his health issue so she is with dad but i forgot to ask her what to make for lunch. Thinking about something i got startled when someone tapped my shoulder.

As i turned around i saw taehyung directly in front of me as our faces were a few inches away, he was staring at my eyes. I quickly backed off as i don't want to show my red cheeks to him but it did get noticed by him as he chuckled at my embarrassed face.

Taehyung: Are you blushing.....wifey.

Me: W-what are y-you doing here*i said while looking away from his eyes
He walked past me and sat on the kitchen counter as he spoke.

Taehyung: Accompanying my wife...why??do you have any problems??
*he said while turning me around as i was standing near the counter

Me: H-huh. N-no you can ' i said while going towards the refrigerator to check what is in the fridge and to avoid his gaze on me which was directly piercing my heart

Me: Can i ask you something "I told him while closing the fridge as i was confused about what to make.

Taehyung: Yes Of course...go on he answered me as i made my way towards him standing beside him i asked*

Me: What should i make for lunch??

Taehyung: You can make anything we will eat.

Me: No....i mean what everyone likes to eat....i will make that dish.

Taehyung: (he told me everyone's favourite dish)

Me: okay *i nodded my head can u give me one more favor.

Taehyung: You can ask me anything* he said while smiling at me*

Me: Actually i don't know where the ingredients can u help me *i said hesitantly*

Taehyung jumped off the shelf and said. Taehyung: I don't cook usually but i can help you to find the things.... okay so tell me the things he said while tying the apron around his waist*

Me: Okay so we need some rice,flour meat,bread and........
"After that we started looking for the things in the cabinets"

Me: ahhh only flour is left now where it could be* i asked taehyung as
he was settling the things on the shelf*

Taehyung: Is it important to use flour he said while coming towards me

Me: will be used in pancakes*i said while looking towards him while he sighed and started thinking something"

Me: Okay so look in that side cabinet i pointed towards the left side cabinet *while i will look in what i said while moving towards the right as taehyung moved towards the left, *

I was checking in the cabinet and my eyes roamed the whole kitchen as my eyes caught a cabinet above the shelf.

Me: Let me check in this cabinet *i mumbled and went towards the cabinet I was jumping and trying to open the cabinet but thanks to my height i was failing miserably but suddenly i felt cold hands around my bare waist.

Taehyung POV
I was looking for the flour in the cabinet but i saw yn jumping near the shelf to open the upper cabinet but was unable to. While she was jumping her top was going up and her waist was clearly visible as i gulped and controlled myself and went to help her.I hesitantly held her waist and pushed her upwards.

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