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Your POV [at 9:30pm]

We came home a little while ago...we had our dinner outside only as afterwards jinne went for sleeping and i freshened up while i think taehyung must be taking bath now. I was feeling very tired as i thought to drink hot chocolate before sleeping. So here am i now pouring two cups of hot chocolate..... don't worry I'm not drinking both one is for Taehyung.

I entered in the room as i feel cold wind brushing through my i roamed my eyes towards the balcony door and its open....i went towards the door to close it while someone caught my eyes.... Taehyung??. He is sitting on the couch while resting his head on the headboard. I entered the balcony and closed the door behind.

I placed the tray on the table before sitting beside him...he turned towards me after feeling my presence. I smiled warmly at him while he slided his right hand towards my waist and pulled me more closer to him as he placed me on his lap...while i just blinked my wide open eyes unable to react.

He pulled me more closer to him as he tightened the grip around my waist and hided his face in the croock of my neck. Greeting back to the earth, i holded him and caressed his hairs. We were sitting in a soothing yet relaxing silence as it wasn't uncomfortable for us to sit like this and not speaking anything. Just tae sniffing my scent while i was playing with his hairs.

Me: Tae....

Taehyung: Hmmm

Me: I have made some hot chocolate...wanna drink it here or inside??* Taehyung backed away a little while caressed my messy hairs done by the wind as i smiled at him. I stood up and passed him a cup of hot chocolate and grabbed mine too before sitting beside him and rested my head on his shoulder while he slided his empty hand to my waist and sipping on his drink with the other one.*

Me: Are u still stressed about kookie?!! *i asked him while glancing at him while he was looking at the road but turned towards me after listening*

Taehyung: Umm... Just a bit for his health but i know he will recover soon *he said and smiled at me*

Me: Don't worry much...and tomorrow he will come back home *i said as he nodded in response and placed his head over mine*

Me: But tae... don't you think we should replan our.....our honeymoon trip after somedays as the flight date is day after tomorrow and all this happened * i said a bit hesitant while taehyung sighed heavily*

Taehyung: are also my responsibility and you shouldn't always put yourself at the second.....and besides i have hired two nurses for him they will take care of him in our absence and mom can handle Jasmine... according to her mental health i think mom will be better to take care of her *he said and nuzzled on the side of my face and pecked my cheeks as I blushed at his actions*

We drank the hot chocolate while talking about some not so random things but just flirting laughing and smiling...feeling so good and relaxed after a verryyy long tiring day.

Me: Haha...Mmhh.... now i think we should go inside and sleep late and we have to go to the hospital also *i said controlling my laugh as taehyung was brushing his hairs on my neck... he stopped and placed his face in my neck while pulling me closer to him*

Taehyung: Can't we just sleep here??...

Me: Huh?!!... but we won't get fit on a single couch and there are mosquitoes here...

Taehyung: Hmm... if that's the proble problem then i have a solution for it..

Me: And what's that *i said while ruffling his hairs*

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