Chapter 22 🔞🔞🔞

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"So, how did you reply?" Fang asked in a shaky voice. Ken looked at him with suspicion.

"I agreed" Ken lied to him to see his expression. Fang's face immediately turned pale when he heard this. The young man hurriedly got up and hugged Ken, shaking his head in tears.

"No... huhu... don't agree with that bastard... Please cancel the deal... huh huh...I beg you. I can pay you more if you want. But don't let that guy interfere with my affairs... huh," Fang begged Ken crying painfully. This made Ken even more curious. He pushed Fang's body slightly and stared down at his eyes filled with tears.

"Then you have to tell me the truth. Why don't you want that guy to interfere in this matter? If you don't tell me then there's no reason to cancel it," Ken asked because he wanted to know the whole story. Fang looked at Ken with tear-filled eyes before he withdrew back and collapsed exhaustedly at the foot of the bed and lift his both knees to embrace his small body, shaking in fear. Tears flowed down unceasingly. Fang's expression was obviously hesitant.

"What?" Ken urged in a normal tone but made Fang startled slightly. He moved and came to a stop in front of Fang.

"Tell me, I'll listen to you," Ken said in a soft voice. Fang bit his lip hard before raising the back of his hand to wipe away his tears and taking a deep breath while thinking that he will be gone from Ken's life in a few days anyway. So it would be okay for Ken to know one more of his embarrassing past.

"That guy... Huh... He was my first," Fang said in a trembling voice. Ken felt like his heart was tightening. Unconsciously, his molar teeth gnashed together.

"So what?" Ken asked, his eyes glaring at him.

"He... He raped me, just like you did," Fang said back, causing Ken to freeze. Fang's eyes were looking at him with immense pain hidden deep inside those black orbs.

"I have bad memories, real bad memories from my past which I thought I could forget... But you are the one who triggered all of my memories back," Fang cut off Ken as well.

"What happened exactly? How can he rape you?" Ken asked in a deep voice. He was not angry with Fang anymore. But he was angry with Taek. He felt like he could kill Taek if he were standing in front of him right then.

"Because of the same reason. Money! Hilarious! Isn't it ?! Everything bad happened to me because of money only. Huh! And also because of my first stepfather Because of him, my life had to be like this," Fang said loudly in anger but in a trembling voice. Fang slapped his hands on the bed until Ken had to sit down next to him and pull him into a hug. Now Fang looked like a demoralized person. The small body smashed his hand against Ken's strong chest. But Ken did not repel it. He pulled the small figure into a tight hug. Fang's body trembled pitifully.

"Calm down, tell me everything," Ken continued because he wanted to know as he let Fang continue to sob.

"Huh... my first stepfather... Huh... He went to borrow money from Ai Taek's house," Fang continued between his sobs. Ken sat and listened quietly.

"Then my stepfather didn't have money to pay. Huhu... at first I didn't know... I didn't know anything until... huhu..." Fang sobbed, his voice disappearing at the end. Ken sat down and gently stroked Fang's back. The more Fang kept telling him about his bitter past, the more Ken felt like his heart was being squeezed hard until pain spread through his chest.

"If you don't want to tell me," Ken said in a low voice.

"No... huhu... I'll tell you. Since you already know about my house... huhuhu... knowing something more, it probably won't matter," Fang said. Ken remained silent.

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