Diabetes ~ Sunoo🥀

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Just going to say now, I did do some research for writing this. And at one point some may feel a little confused. So for background, from my knowledge, quite a few people with diabetes keep something like small candies or soft drinks on them in case their blood sugar gets too low. Insulin is taken usually around or during meals to keep their blood sugar in check overnight and similar things to that. Candy and soft drinks are just something to consume to help when the person themselves can feel their blood sugar getting low. So I hope this helps!

Sunoo's family had run with Diabetes, more so on his mom's side. He himself had diabetes as well, also owning more of his mother's traits than his father's. 

"Sunoo hunny are you sure you haven't forgotten your insulin?" His mother's voice said over the phone, "Yes Mom, it's right here," he said pulling it out of his bag and showing the camera of his phone. "You don't need to do all this mom, I'm happy you still call me, but I don't need to be reminded. I'm 19!" Sunoo light-heartedly complained. "And? I'm just being sure!" she exclaimed. Sunoo giggled as he zipped his bag and picked up his phone, they parted ways and Sunoo exited the door. Keeping his diabetes from the members was a little easier than he thought, not talking about the incident at I-land.

The members were all bantering and talking about their upcoming show. Everyone was obviously ecstatic, Sunoo was as well, just calmer. The ride to KBS was uneventful, not including where Ni-ki almost fell out the window of the car. The 7 exited the car, soon finding themselves in the dressing room. Sunoo felt like something was wrong, he couldn't brush off the feeling that something bad was about to happen. He had felt extremely excited for the performance, the only problem was he felt somewhat tired, maybe it was from a lack of sleep? Sunoo sat down for the makeup artists to do what they do as his mind began to think, "What have I forgotten?" he kept thinking going over everything that was in his bag. 

With time, Sunoo was ready and conversing with Sunghoon, he decided to just push the idea of forgetting something away for the time being. Sunghoon was rambling about figure skating, Sunoo tried to listen but was struggling as he started to begin shaking a lot. "But like, Shoma Uno's performance at Pyeongchang 2018," Sunghoon said thinking back. Sunoo began sweating as his mind felt slightly clouded, "Hey, you ok Sunoo?" Sunghoon asked, concerned. "Yeah, just nervous..." The brunette lied as he searched through his bag, Sunoo quietly gasped as his eyes widened. He had no candy in his bag. "Shit..." he mumbled looking around the room. He turned his head to Sunghoon, "By chance did you bring anything sugary with you?" Sunoo asked the figure skater.

"No, why?" Sunghoon replied, confused. "Just hungry for something sugary," Sunoo said trying to hide his panic. "I don't have anything but some of the members might," Sunghoon suggested which sent Sunoo to his feet quickly. He rushed around the room in hopes someone would have anything.  To his frustration, nothing. Sunoo began to fret as they went on in about 5 minutes and he could feel his blood sugar dropping far too low, he felt exhausted but also hyper with fright. He wasn't sure what to do. He speed walked to the manager to ask if he had anything but before a word could be said, Jungwon was ushering everyone onto the stage.

"Bite Me" began blaring through the speakers as the lyrics were sung. Sunoo knew his voice would be shakey, but what choice did he have? Moving swiftly to the music kept sending his vision in a whirlwind, it felt like he was dancing on a carousel. Soon when his part to sing had finally come, he looked at the audience, and before he could even breathe, he fell straight to the floor, losing his vision quickly.

The next time Sunoo woke up, he was slightly inclined with a bandage on his arm, followed by an empty needle on the table beside him. He looked around slowly adjusting to the bright lights, his members were all seen around him, either asleep or looking anxious. Jay noticed Sunoo's slight movements and began waking the sleeping members. The band had freaked out completely when Sunoo passed out. "What happened!?" Heeseung stated quickly as Sunoo saw the members' tear-stained cheeks. "Well, um..." Sunoo started, unsure of what to say. "I have type 1 diabetes and my blood sugar was getting low, but I didn't have anything to regulate it with..." Sunoo quietly said, feeling bad.

All of the members were in shock, they never knew any of this and the scare they had just witnessed hadn't helped either. Eventually, everyone had calmed and Sunoo promised to forever say something when he needed something for his diabetes. All of the members always ended up having some sort of sugar with them. Be it hard candies or sodas, Ni-ki started carrying sugar packets (which he totally didn't steal from restaurants) just to pick on the older, even though they did come in handy once. 

THE END!! Still have two more on the way! Hope you enjoyed this sickshot! I had fun writing it (I've learned a lot about diabetes today lol) Have a great day/night!!<3


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