Fall ~ Sunghoon🥀🌸

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Sunghoon glided upon the ice, his coach watching, he weightlessly did turns and jumps, finalizing his performance. The routine was complex, but to Sunghoon, it felt like a form of relaxation, despite the pressure of competition. He did the final spins and landed in his finishing position. He breathed heavily as he looked at his coach, who was clapping lightly. "Good job Sunghoon! You have it down perfectly, however, be careful, that triple axle was amazing, but I saw your ankle when you landed, I don't need you to land wobbly and injure yourself," the coach said as Sunghoon skated over to him. "Yes sir!" Sunghoon said, nodding. "Good, that's all for today, we have a competition tomorrow, be careful, and I'm excited to see you perform it," The two exchanged their "goodbyes" before Sunghoon hurriedly got changed and awaiting the members of Enhypen to pick him up. 

The skater looked at his phone in boredom as he looked around in hopes of seeing the familiar car. Eventually, he smiled as he saw the van pull up and the manager unlocked the doors. Sunghoon happily got in the car as he saw his members, "Sunghoon Hyung! How was practice?" Jungwon said happily as the older climbed in. "It was really good, how has rehearsal been for you guys?" he replied as he buckled his seatbelt. "Goo-" "Horrid!" Jay was cut off by Ni-ki. Jay rolled his eyes and spoke "You're overreacting, it wasn't that bad," "Yes it was!" Ni-ki retorted as he dramatically threw himself back in his seat. Sunghoon giggled as the two bickered, it was comforting in a way. The car ride felt short as almost everyone listened to Jay and Ni-ki's banter the entire way back. 

It wasn't long until the group was eating dinner together in their shared dorm, as they do every night. "I swear that guy has something out for me!" Ni-ki complained before shoving food into his face. "He's always been like that, harder on the main dancers," Sunoo said looking across the living room at the youngest. "Even so! I swear he just hates me!" Ni-ki said after swallowing. "I haven't had to dance with that much seriousness since I was a trainee, seriously!" Ni-ki continued on as the rest of the group listened, and giggled. 

Dinner finished after nearly forever as the group began conversing, "You excited about tomorrow, Hoon?" Jay asked, looking over to his friend. "Yeah, nervous, but excited," Sunghoon responded as he cracked his neck. "That's bad for you!" Jungwon added before immediately going back to his conversation with Sunoo. Sunghoon giggled and rolled his eyes before looking over to Jay. "You'll do well, Hoon, I have no doubt about it," Jay reassured Sunghoon as he smiled. The figure skater looked away for a moment, beginning to space out, "He really has a lot of faith in me... what if I mess up?" Sunghoon began thinking as his bad thoughts took over. After a few minutes, he was interrupted by Ni-ki. "Sunghoon Hyung! Can't you agree that orange juice is better than apple juice?!" Ni-ki hollered as Sunghoon snapped out of his trance. "What?" 

The night ended after a while, and the members finally got some much-needed sleep. Sunghoon stared at the ceiling, "I really hope tomorrow goes well, I can't mess up, not in front of everyone..." Sunghoon thought as he rolled over, trying to go to sleep. After a couple of hours, to no avail, his stress didn't allow him to enjoy a peaceful night of rest. Sunghoon sat up, in frustration, before grabbing his pillow and slowly walking his way to the living room, surprised to see Jungwon there. The younger turned around slightly, taking a moment to adjust to the figure standing behind him. "Hello Sunghoon Hyung, why are you up so late?" Jungwon asked, Sunghoon barely being able to make out the features of his face from the slight glow emitted from the laptop on the younger's lap. "Couldn't sleep, what are you doing at this hour?" the skater asked, looking around to find the clock reading "2:37 AM." Jungwon huffed and ran a hand through his hair, "Homework, I got assigned extra credit and it makes me regret thinking AP literature was a good idea," he giggled at the end of his sentence. The blonde sat beside him and looked at the dim screen, "Jeez, you writing an essay or something?" he asked leaning over. "Yep, 6000-word minimum and I'm about halfway through, sadly it's due in about a week so I'm trying to hurry up and power through it so I can stop thinking about it," Jungwon replied, looking at the screen.

After a while, the two parted ways, eventually convincing each other to go to bed around 3:24 AM. The next morning felt like it lasted forever, as Sunghoon forced himself out of bed, and to get himself ready for the day. Many of the Enhypen members told him about their excitement, which only worried him more. Before he even knew it he was standing by the edge of the ice preparing himself to begin warmup. "There's no reason to be afraid, hyung, you'll sweep the competition!" Ni-ki encouraged as the group stuck with him, it didn't take long until security began to usher them back to their seats, far away from the area they were at. "I promise, you'll do great, Hoon" Jay assured him one more time before leaving him to his thoughts Sunghoon nervously fidgeted with his gloves as he looked at the ice, "I'm cooked," was the last thing he thought about before stepping off onto the ice. 

Sunghoon's worry did nothing but double as he skated through warmup, his body visibly shaking out of nerves by the end of it. As he sat on the bench, watching the other performers make their way to the ice, he looked down at his bare hands, also seeing the sleeves of his costume. As he rested his head in his hands, he thought about the events prior to that moment. Eventually, he stood up and went over to a mirror, looking at the long-sleeved costume. The sparkly blue faded into white as you went up the torso. He examined the costume over and over again, in hopes to try and calm himself. Sunghoon sighed and turned to the ice, watching the performer, "Shit, I'm cooked," he thought as he watched them finish. Sunghoon began to panic, feeling his anxiety and panic set in, it was now his turn to perform. 

The performer slid off the ice, making eye contact with Sunghoon as he stepped on the concrete, grabbing his plastic skate guards off the ground, "Good luck out there, dude," he said, panting before leaving. Sunghoon nervously looked out on the ice, hearing the booming voice of the announcer, "And now welcome, Park Sunghoon, representing South Korea!" The figure skater stepped out onto the ice and skated around, looking into the crowd, quickly spotting Enhypen, holding a big sign to embarrass him. Sunghoon nervously chuckled at the sight and took his spot in the middle of the ice, waiting for the music.

The routine was going well, and Sunghoon was feeling better about it, he almost didn't realize how quickly it went by, soon before he knew it, the routine was about 10 seconds away from finishing. Sunghoon gracefully glided across the ice as he prepared for his triple axle, as he looked around, he took a breath, then jumped, it was graceful, and would have gotten him a lot of points, if his ankle hadn't landed sideways, sending him flying to the ice, then sliding and banging his head hard on the barrier. Audible gasps and cries were heard from the crowd as he lay there, limp.

After quite some time, Sunghoon slowly opened his eyes to be met with bright lights, and the worried faces of Enhypen. Sunghoon slowly heard the ringing in his ears fade as the muffled voices of Enhypen and the paramedic came clear. He shifted his gaze from the roof of the stadium to his left foot, bandaged up and swollen. He was brought out of his thoughts by the snapping of fingers, "Kid, can you hear me?" the paramedic said as Sunghoon looked at him, nodding. "Ok, good. So, you're left ankle is broken, really bad, you'll need quite the time to recover, and you ended up getting disqualified due to your fall, so have fun," the paramedic said bluntly before walking away. The members of Enhypen looked at the man in disgust as he walked away, but Ni-ki quickly averted his gaze to the older lying down on the bleachers, "Hyung! Are you ok? What happened?" he asked quickly, turning the rest of Enhypens attention to him. 

Sunghoon tried to explain to them all as well as he could, the members comforted him and tried to help as much as they could, knowing how devastated he felt about the disqualification. Sunghoon felt frustrated but was happy to have the members there helping him through it.

DEAR LORD... HI THERE-. So um I may have died-. So much was going on, and I also got my yearly loss of motivation over the winter-. I barely tried in about anything, including my passions, but IT's SUMMER!! So I hope to finally be back and writing for you all once moe :)! I will try my hardest to complete all the requests that I didn't finish before I died! Now that I'm back I'd like to say that I missed you all so much and I'm glad to be back, I hope you all enjoy this and just know there's much more where this came from! I love you all, and have a great day/night!


1629 words

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