Fracture ~ Jungwon🥀

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Jungwon tiredly lay in his bed, waiting for sleep to overcome him, the past few days had not granted him much sleep.  He stared at the blank ceiling as he tossed himself onto his stomach. He sighed as he gave up on sleep, and with little to do, he chose to go to the practice room. It wasn't long before Jungwon found himself practicing whatever choreography crossed his mind, Drunk Dazed, Upper Side Dreamin', Bite Me, Still Monster, and many others. He even got to the point of reviewing the choreography of "Hey Tayo" and "Billy Poco" out of boredom. 

Jungwon let out his heavy breaths as he looked through the group's discography desperately trying to find something else for him to do. He opened up his messages app and looked at the message. "Don't forget to start practicing the platform Converse, it's a part of the next stage outfits," the text from his manager read. Jungwon sighed before looking into the corner of the room, many pairs of said shoes lining the wall. Jungwon walked over and found his size before slipping the shoe on. He walked around for a moment, getting used to the feeling of the shoe before beginning to practice "Sweet Venom" in the shoes. It went well, except for a few parts, like his moves at the very start, for example. 

Jungwon looked at the mirror, boredom filling his mind once more. Jungwon looked at his phone and began flipping through different songs, he danced to those in the shoes as well, most being easy in the shoes. Jungwon looked at the mirror, he looked visibly exhausted, with dark eye bags, and sleepy eyes. Jungwon sighed before looking back to his phone, "Just one more song," he mumbled aloud before pressing shuffle and getting ready for whatever song he was about to dance to. "Drunk-Dazed" began playing and Jungwon hurriedly got into his position and began to dance to the song. It was by far the hardest for the shoes, but Jungwon was determined to get to the end of it. The chorus came along as Jungwon whispered the lyrics and prepared himself for the jump. 

As soon as Jungwon jumped, he landed as his right foot landed on the side of the shoe instead of the middle and sent him flying to the floor. Jungwon hit the floor with a loud *BANG*. He hissed and held his ankle as he squeezed his eyes closed. A few moments went by before Jungwon opened his eyes and looked at his ankle. It had quite a few bruises on it and was slightly swollen. The leader winced at the sight, before sitting up, looking around the silent room. He slowly took off the shoes and tried to stand on his left foot, before attempting to apply pressure to the right. Jungwon put some weight on his right foot, immediately retracted his foot, and stayed on his left to put the platform shoes back in their place. 

Jungwon put on his shoes and quickly hurried back to the dorm before returning to his room. He sat down in silence and looked at his swollen ankle once more. "Ugh, what do I do about this?" Jungwon thought to himself as he held his phone over to his ankle for better lighting. He sighed before putting his phone away and lying on his bed, falling asleep for a few hours before the beginning of their never-ending schedule. 

Jungwon groggily turned his head as he heard his alarm blaring in his ears. He turned it off as he sat up and began to wake up. After a few minutes, he began to get off his bed, retracting quickly after he felt pain shoot up his right foot. Jungwon looked at his foot, it was less swollen but still had many bruises. Annoyance filled his mind, "I know I shouldn't have tried Drunk-Dazed..." he thought before trying to start his morning routine. The morning was well, even as Jungwon avoided his ankle being shown the entire time. 

Not long after the group of 7 was headed towards the practice room. Jay and Jungwon in the back, "Hey Jay Hyung?" Jungwon said, nervously looking at the older. "Hm?" Jay hummed in response. "I think I did something to my ankle, I practiced a little before you guys got up and I think I landed on it weird," Jungwon said half lying, "It was like 2 AM, that's morning, right?" Jungwon thought, trying to mentally reassure himself. Jungwon pulled up his pant leg to reveal the bruises, most of the swelling gone. "You're fine, Jungwon, our comeback is too close to be getting hurt," Jay said with a cold tone. Jungwon frowned and mentally scolded himself, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything..." he thought as the group soon arrived at the practice room.

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