October the 21st

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"Is something wrong Katherine?" I heard Glorfindel, my old instructor, come up behind me.

I sighed. "Wrong? Yes, everything's wrong." I said, as I was saddling Firefoot.

It was the morning of October the 21st and neither Gandalf nor Aragorn had arrived at Rivendell.
"Where are you going?"

Dang inquisitive Elves.

I turned and looked at him. "I need to leave at once to go to Bree."
I wasn't going to tell him any more details.

He didn't ask for any, surprisingly.
"Why don't you take my horse, Asfaloth? He has much more stamina and Firefoot is still worn out from your arrival."

"Thank you. Firefoot IS still tired. Thank you so much, Glorfindel." Those were a lot of words from me and Glorfindel knew it, so he knew they were genuine.

I rode out before the sun had even crested the sky. I had never ridden Asfaloth before, but I felt a wonderful power within him which could only mean that he was truly an Elvish horse.

We rode at a slow gallop and had made it halfway to Weathertop before dark.

Despite the fact that Asfaloth had a light grey coat, we still blended into the forest, which was covered in a light mist that matched with Asfaloth's coat.

Suddenly Asfaloth pulled up short.
"What is it boy?" I whispered in his ear. I had a connection with horses ever since I was adopted into the Rohan royal family, which had a huge stable full of horses.

Asfaloth reared up as a high-pitched screaming pierced the night's silence! Gandalf had told me that Sauron had 9 servants who were called Nazgul or Ring-Wraiths. They couldn't be killed and they always made screams just like the one I just heard and they killed anyone who stood between them and their task.
"Great." I muttered unenthusiastically.

We continued on, but Asfaloth was poised to make a quick retreat.

I saw Weathertop in the distance, but I saw some light closer, between me and the watchtower. I dismounted, drawing one of my swords. Asfaloth followed me closely.

I quietly manuevered through the brush and hid. I watched the light weave in and out of the trees. I knew instinctively that it wasn't a Wraith because they hated light. It was Aragorn.

He was carrying a torch, searching on the ground for something, found it, and knelt on the ground with his back to me. I couldn't resist.

I snuck up behind him and placed the blade of my sword against his throat.

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