ChApTeR 6

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That evening as Aoi was cooking her dinner, she heard her burner phone ring. She had forgotten all about it as she had not been able to go on missions since she came to UA. Looking at the caller ID, she saw that it was her partner, Kaito.

Kaito was the brains of their team-he stayed at their base or wherever he communicated with Aoi through an earpiece. He'd relay information about the villain's whereabouts, quirks, and other helpful info.

"Aoi, there's been a robbery at a jewellery store downtown. No heroes have shown up so I think it's clear but you need to wear the backup costume along with the voice changer since they know who you are now," he told her.

"Which backup costume?" she questioned.

"The one I put in your bag without your knowledge of course. It's in the left zip hurry up. I'll tell you their quirks in a bit." Kaito said, "Also, put on your earpiece so we can communicate."

"Ok," Aoi replied as she went to get changed.

Aoi ran, being careful to hide, in the shadows, towards the jewellery store, where she saw a group of criminals carrying bags of what most likely contained jewellery into their truck. They had broken the glass surrounding the store and tied up the owner.

"Aoi this group of thugs have been robbing random convenience stores and jewelry stores. There are only three of them. The tall one is Haruki. His quirk, crystallisation, allows him to shoot out crystals from his body. The one with the weirdly shaped arms is Yamato. His quirk, magnet, allows his hands to function just like magnets. Finally, the one with pink hair is Haru. His quirk, vacuum, allows him to reach into a space-like vacuum and get an object from anywhere as long as he knows what and where he is getting the object from." Kaito recited

"Got it," she answered.

Aoi ran quietly towards Haruki and quickly knocked him out without alerting the others. She did the same with Yamato. She tried to do the same to Haru but was unfortunately met with a gun at her head.

"Don't move or I shoot," he threatened.

Aoi moved her leg.

"I said don't move or I'll shoot," he repeated.

Aoi moved her other leg. He pulled the trigger and Aoi was still there standing unaffected.

He pulled the trigger again and it didn't work again.

He brought the gun down to check it but forgot that he was fighting Aoi. With a swift kick, Haru was down on the floor.

"We both know you could have taken him down without your quirk," Kaito sighed.

"But I didn't," Aoi smiled as she tied up all three thugs.

"Whatever. Just hurry up. The police are on their way," he told her.

"I'm already done," she said and began the journey back to UA.

When she got home, she went to the kitchen to continue cooking. Unfortunately, she had left the food while it was cooking and it had burnt.

"I guess we're eating pizza tonight," she sighed as she picked up her phone to call the pizza place.

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