ChApTeR 18

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Aoi opened her eyes and saw that she was in a small, rundown bedroom. 

"Damn. Here looks familiar," Aoi wondered as she walked around the room.

She walked over to the bed and saw drawings, obviously done by a child hanging up on the wall. 

"My family huh, Mommy, Daddy and Me," she read from the only legible one, "Imagine having a functional family."

Aoi reached out to touch it when she heard a loud bang and a shout. She knew, from experience, that that was the sound of someone hitting someone else. Had that fall isekai me into another world?

Aoi opened the door and was met with the sight of a woman being hit by a man. The man was using his fire quirk to burn her and the nauseating smell of burning flesh filled the room.

"Stop," the woman said, "you'll wake up Aya."

"Only pussies beat women!" Aoi screamed as she rushed the man.

However, her hand went through him. 

"The fuck?"

"Run away lady run!" Aoi tried to tell the woman but it was as if she couldn't hear Aoi.

Aoi tried to pull the lady out, she tried to use her quirk to move her, she tried everything but the lady didn't move.

"Come to think of it, she does look familiar," Aoi thought as she lay on the floor out of breath.

She was about to return and continue trying to get the woman out when a child, who looked no more than four appeared.

"Where did she come from?"

"Mommy, Daddy are you okay? I heard Mommy screaming," Aya tiredly asked before letting out a yawn.

"Aya, go back to sleep, we're fine. Mommy just burnt herself while cooking and Daddy is helping her treat it," Aya's mom told her.

"You know what lemme tuck you in and read you a bedtime story. That'll help you sleep better right?" Aya's mom added.

"Yay! Bedtime story," Aya smiled and returned to her bedroom.

"She looks familiar. Very familiar," Aoi wondered, "Where have I seen her before? Is she maybe the alternate me from a different dimension? Maybe I came here to put things right for her!"

(Poor girl. If only she knew)

"Yeah. What do they normally do in all the reincarnation stories? Right get clothes and learn about society," Aoi mused.

"You can't escape," The man said as he grabbed Aya's mom's arm.

"I won't stay here with you, Asahi," the lady whispered back at him, "My daughter needs a future away from here. How long will I continue to hide your activities? You weren't like this when we first got married." 

"I know. That was the point. I needed someone who would stay with me for a while. Besides I don't plan on hiding anything from Aoi. In fact, on her sixth birthday, I plan on telling her everything then we will begin her training so she can take over my place," he replied with a  sadistic laugh.

"Asahi! She's just a child. I won't let you use her in your evil schemes. I won't!"

"I take back my statement. This family is more fucked up than the Todorokis and that says a lot considering their dad with a breeding kink forced a lady to be his incubator because of her quirk," Aoi said

"What are you going to do? Call the police and tell them some yakuza boss forced you to marry him and wants to force your child to train to be a yakuza too. Who do you think will believe you? We've been hiding from them for 10 years and we can for more. You didn't know who I was until last month," the man boasted with a smirk, "No matter what you do you're stuck here."

"It doesn't matter. I'll find a way."

"Face it Mio, we're in this together."

"Better go find yourself another bitch because I'm not in this with you," Mio spat at Asahi.

Asahi just walked off laughing

"Aya looks very very familiar," Aoi was still saying to herself

"Mom, I should have listened to you when you said he was bad news," Mio sobbed.

"No shit," Aoi jeered. She was getting sick of this babe. 

(Aoi is someone who fights back so she is disgusted by people who don't unlike yours truly who has social anxiety and would let someone walk over her rather than speak up)

"Mommy, are you coming?" Aya called from her room.

Aoi had forgotten the child was even there.

"Yes, baby," 

This was the last thing Aoi had done before she found herself in a new place.

This isekai stuff is getting quite annoying," Aoi groaned as she sat up once more surveying the area.

She was at a court and a lady and a girl were in front of her. 

"Hey! That's the girl and the lady I saw before. Could they be... no it can't be... their cousins?" Aoi exclaimed.

"That explains why they look so alike," she concluded.

"So, you want to change her name from Aya Shio to Aoi Ishii?" an old man asked

"That's my name you name stealer!" Aoi jeered

"Yes," Mio's 'cousin' replied

"And yours from Mio Shio to Yumi Ishii?" he turned to the girl

"That's right." the lady confirmed

"So you will both be taking your maiden name as your surname?" he questioned.

"We got it they are changing their names," Aoi said rolling her eyes.

"Please could you speed this up, we have a flight to catch?" Mio's'cousin' complained glancing at her watch.

"From now on you will legally answer to Yumi Ishii and you, to Aoi Ishii. Ok, that's all." the man stated

"Thank you," said Mio's'cousin'

"Come on Ay...Aoi. We have a flight to Nigeria to catch,"

"Nigeria? Aoi? Ishii? Is Aya me? But when did this happen? I remember that... that we... um, what happened before we moved to Nigeria? I mean this makes sense but it also doesn't at the same time."

"Does this mean my dad is alive? Was he a good guy or a bad guy? Could we replay that part?" 

In response to her question, Aoi was yeeted out of the dream and back to reality. 

"Shit! My head hurts. Where am I?" Aoi mumbled

"In my office," Recovery girl said

"Oh, can I go, old lady," she asked

Recovery Girl whacked Aoi with her cane.

"I'm injured!" Aoi cried.

"I know."

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