ChApTeR 13

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Midnight announced the final event-a battle tournament. They'd be fighting people in stages: the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals then the final. 

Aoi was exhausted. The talk with Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo, well, Bakugo had not exactly been a part as he was eavesdropping, was very tiring. Aoi just wanted to curl up in bed and go back to sleep. 

Unfortunately for her, she had made a bet with Nezu that she'd be on the podium at least so she had to try. What he was going to give her was worth it. She decided that she was just going to make it to the semifinals then tragically lose. How sad

The matches were displayed on the board. (If you can't tell Aoi is displacing Aoyama here.)

She was against Mina.

 "Who is Mina?" She asked,

"What?" her classmates answered surprised. 

"I said who is Mina?" she repeated 

 "We know what you said but we are just surprised that you are asking," said Kirishima 

"There are like a hundred of you. How am I supposed to remember your names?" Aoi asked like it was the most sensible thing to say. 

\"Exactly. She only remembers the important people like me!" Called Bakugo 

"Mhm. You're Midoriya right?" She teased 

"WHAT! I AND THAT DAMN NERD ARE NOTHING ALIKE!" He shouted grabbing her by her collar and lifting her off the ground. 

"Calm your tits and put me down," she said calmly. 

"Or what?" He smirked at her 

Grinning right back at him she used her quirk to loosen his grip on her and managed to wriggle free then, she judo-flipped him over so he was lying face down and sat on his back, 

"Get off me!" He ordered her 

"Or what?" She responded grinning. Bakugo started to rage trying to get her off him but she didn't budge. 

"I think you should get off him now," Kirishima tittered nervously. 

"Hmmmm. Persuade me," Aoi said"I'll get you boba," he replied"I have been persuaded," she got off Bakugo and went to prepare for her match. 

"Wait, you didn't answer my question. Who is Mina?" 

"I'm Mina!" A pink person shouted waving her hands and running towards Aoi. 

"Ok," Aoi replied curtly before going to the stands to watch the first match: Midoriya versus Shinso.

Damn. Shinso was against Midoriya. He'd have a hard time trying to get into the hero course seeing who he was up against. Aoi believed in him but she knew it was going to be tough. 

Fortunately for him, he had one advantage; no one knew what his quirk was. Midoriya would probably guess that it was a mental type seeing as they had been no visible sign of him using it.

"Match, start!" Midnight shouted

Aoi had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed that Shinso and Midoriya were already on the battlefield. She hoped, for Shinso's sake, that Midoriya had not been able to figure out his quirk.

Shinso started the match by taunting Midoriya hoping to coax him into using his quirk. Midoriya didn't reply.

"Dammit! Ojiro told him about Shinso's quirk. Come on Shinso. You can do this," Aoi said.

Shinso then called Ojiro an idiot for dropping out of the tournament. This made Midoriy snap and speak up to defend his classmates. Quite a stupid move. With that simple slipup, Shinso was able to control Midoriya and make him begin to walk out of the arena.

"Let's fucking go!" Aoi cheered

"What's this? Midoriya is walking out of the arena?" Present Mic shouted.

Just as Midoriya was about to step out, he froze. 

"This shouldn't be happening. Move out Midoriya," Aoi muttered

Suddenly, Midoriya's fingers snapped and he became free from Shinso's brainwashing. He turned around ready to fight Shinso.

"What the hell. This should not be happening," Shinso looked confused.

Midoriya ran towards Shinso in an attempt to fight him and get him out of bounds. To prevent this, Shinso resumed his taunting of Midoriya in an attempt to get him out of bounds. However, this time, Midoriya doesn't fall for it and keeps shut.

"I was born with a Quirk unfit for combat and unwanted by society, "Shinso shouts as a last-ditch effort, "A combat Quirk user like you will never understand how I feel."

It seems as though Midoriya does understand as he freezes for a fraction of a second before resuming his assault on Shinso.

"It seems there is more to Midoriya's quirk than meets the eye. It injures him now he seems to understand how it feels to how a quirk unfit for combat when his quirk is a prime combat type," Aoi muses, 'I've got to investigate this later."

Midoriya reached Shinso and began pushing him out of the arena, but Shinso retaliated by punching Midoriya in the face. Despite this, Midoriya continued to push Shinso out of the ring. Shinso grabbed Midoriya's neck but Midoriya countered by grabbing Shino's arm and then threw Shinso over his shoulder, slamming Shinso hard into the ground and in the process, causing Hitoshi's feet to go out of bounds.

"Shinso is out of bounds. Midoriya wins!" Midnight announces

Suddenly, the audience began to clap loudly. Aoi had forgotten all about them during the match as they as well as Aoi had been so absorbed in the match to make noise.

Some general studies students applaud Shinso for winning his match and Aoi decides to go to meet him and congratulate him for winning his match.

When she got to Recovery Girl's office, she was about to open the door when she heard All Might and Midoriya discussing. 

Aoi remembered that All Might had been seen talking to Midoriya privately on numerous occasions and Todoroki had even pointed their relationship out. Maybe this had something to do with Midoriya's strange quirk.

Improvisation begins

"As I was about to walk out of bounds, I saw seven mysterious figures in front of me," Midoriya said to All Might.

"I saw something like that two years ago. Those are the previous users of One for All," All Might replied.

"Hmm. One for All seems to be Midoriya's quirk. But what connection does All Might have to him?" Aoi pondered. 

All Might then told Midoriya his theories and Aoi became bored. She could tell that she wasn't going to get any useful information after that. She turned to walk back to the stands until she remembered what she came to do. 

"Shinso!" she said and ran to find him.

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