ChApTeR 21

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The loud voices of individuals in a heated argument awoke Aoi. Her mind was filled with bewilderment as she glanced around the room, for she found herself in a location completely foreign to her.

Immediately she stood up and searched her shirt for the dagger she normally kept on her.

"Damn! They searched me," she muttered when she couldn't find it.

"This will have to do,"

Aoi raised the bottle over her head and approached the door. She opened it and peeked out, only to see Kaito arguing loudly with someone over the phone.

"Oh, it's just you," Aoi sighed, placing the bottle down, "Where are we? This isn't your usual place."

"I couldn't risk bringing trouble to my house. Do you know how much effort I put into ensuring no one can trace me back to that place? If someone saw me carrying an unconscious girl into my house, I'd be in trouble with the law the next day," Kaito explained.

"Oh, I see. Wait, what do you mean by half-dead?"

"Silly. You fainted on your way back to UA right on the sidewalk. The day after the Sports Festival."

"Wait the day after? Oh, my days! I've fucked up! I was supposed to drop by and beat up those bozos real quick then hurry back to the Sports Festival and say I thought I saw Drake outside the window so I had to rush and check, seeing as he is my husband and all so I gotta know where he is going, but it wasn't and-" Aoi rambled

"Ok, we get it. You're delulu. Wait, aren't you engaged to the candy cane boy? Why are you consorting with other men?" 

"No comment," Aoi blushed and turned to the side.

"I see you, girl,"

"Whatever Kai," she grumbled and reached for the bagel in his hand

He held it high and continued, "You're lucky that the people of Mufustafu are too self-absorbed to notice a half-dead girl on the road. Still, if a villain had come across you there, what do you think would have happened."

"Well they didn't so it's all good."

"Sometimes I want to leave you to do whatever you want because it seems you don't care about what happens to you."

"I know you love me," Aoi blew him a kiss and sauntered off.

"Love you, my ass,"

Kaito shook his head, a mix of exasperation and affection evident on his face as he watched Aoi walk away. 

"That girl," he muttered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

Despite her carefree attitude and penchant for trouble, there was no denying the bond they shared. With a chuckle, he took a bite of his bagel, knowing that he'd always watch over her no matter what antics she got up to.

"Wait Kaito. What's today's date?"

"Um, xxxxxxxx (Imagine it's an actual date that is the day they were to return to school, two days after the Sports Festival) Why?"

"Oh. School just started 3 hours ago," Aoi continued to walk to the room she had woken up in.


"SHIT! School started 3 hours ago! This is all your fault Kai," Aoi called over her shoulder as she ran out of the house.

"You don't even have your uniform with you!" Kaito yelled after her.

"Uniforms are for losers," She yelled back.

"Oh my days!" Aoi muttered as she sprinted to UA.

She was aware Aizawa would reprimand her for missing her match and returning two days late. Whatever. She'd have Kaito call and claim they were friends celebrating his birthday, explaining her absence. Yeah, that should suffice.

She swiped her ID card frantically and dashed even faster to her classroom (Go/jo type shit).

"Finally!" Aoi gasped as she paused briefly, catching her breath.

"3, 2, 1, and enter."

Except she didn't enter. Aoi felt confused. Why was her body not moving?

"I just have to go into a class with twenty teenage kids which makes 40 eyes staring at me walk in late. What is this weird feeling? Is this what they call embarrassment?" 

For the first time in her life, Aoi felt embarrassed.

This transformed into a full on meltdown on the floor/

"What if they judge me?" she muttered

 "Why the fuck will they judge you?" the sane part of her said.

"They are teenagers. Why do teenagers do anything," she replied.

"Right. Aren't you a teenager?" it said.

"No. I don't claim humanity. I'm an alpha werewolf,"

"Oh. makes sense," the not-so-sane-anymore part agreed.

"I think I'll just go back to Kaito's," she decided then stood up and brushed her shorts.

The wave of realisation crashed over her, stronger than Deku's All Might perfume in the mornings.

"OH MY DAYS! I am wearing shorts and a tank in UA fucking high on a Monday!" Aoi exclaimed and ran to a window.

"God please kill me or I'm doing it myself!" she begged, flinging her hands out of the window in prayer.

"Um who is that?" someone asked from the door.

"Oh it's just me Aoi," she answered turning around making eye contact with Shoto Todoroki.

They stared at each other for two good minutes and in those two minutes Aoi felt as if she was going to die.

"If this is because of the time I told Kaito's girlfriend to come over the day he got an abysmal haircut then I'm sorry Karma!" Aoi prayed silently.

"Ishii?" Todoroki said.

"Oh heyyy Doki doki. I mean tododoki, I mean Shoto. Funny seeing you out here? It's funny how the world works right?"

"No. We both go to school here."

"Right. Look it's Bruno Mars," Aoi shouted and pointed behind Todoroki.

For some reason, Todoroki turned to look at the open classroom door behind him and Aoi used the opportunity to jump out of the window.

"Aoi there's a door downstairs," Todoroki called.

"Felt like trying something new," she replied before running towards her apartment in UA. Not without crashing into a few trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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