ChApTeR 17

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"Wake up Aoi, it's almost time for your match," Denki said as he shook her.

"Huh? Who are you?" 

"What the hell. Wake up, you'll forfeit if you don't," he said, pouring water from his water bottle on her head.

"I'm up, I'm up," Aoi screamed as she shook her head trying to get rid of the water droplets in her hair.

She considered using her quirk to dump water on Denki but ultimately decided against it. Despite this, she still enjoyed the mystery surrounding her quirk.

She went down the stairs to the entrance of the arena.  

"Who am I fighting again? Oh yeah, Tokoyami. His quirk is powerful but it should have a drawback. Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow. Shadow. If it is a shadow, light is the only way to dispel it. But I don't have light," She ruminated.

"Ugh, I just have to try. I think Dark Shadow won't be at his full potential because it's still daytime. That's helpful. Could I try moving upwards so he is closer to the Sun?" 

"Tokoyami versus Aoi!" Mic announced.

"I thought I was still in the tunnel," Aoi grumbled.

"3,2,1 START!" Midnight exclaimed.

"But I'm not ready yet," she mumbled.

Yaoyurozu lost because she wasn't able to think while fighting. I can't make the same mistake again. So Sun yeah. But Dark Shadow is super powerful so-

(I'm super shitty at writing fight scenes)

Aoi's train of thought was cut short by Dark Shadow lunging at her. She jumped over his beak and tried to jump onto him. However, she was knocked aside just a few inches short of the border.

"Shit, I've got to be more careful. Dark Shadow's fast." Aoi said to herself right before being hit by an attack from Dark Shadow.

"So I have to be faster. Dark Shadow is weaker because of the sunlight so, all I have to do is push Tokoyami out."

With this plan in mind, Aoi began to attack Tokoyami. However, Dark Shadow was having none of this. He blocked every move Aoi made so she wasn't able to even get near Tokoyami. Her body was littered with bruises from being thrown onto the ground so much.

Despite this, she was still standing up again and again ready to attack Dark Shadow

"I love you Dark Shadow but you've got to go" Aoi muttered preparing to attack him. This time she was going to use her quirk. She had been avoiding using it as she didn't want to experience the headaches it caused but she had to win. 

She needed the webtoon fast pass.

Nezu had promised her that if she could get to the semi-finals he'd reward her. Aoi had been living on instant ramen for the past 2 weeks to buy fast passes for her favourite webtoons. 

"Come to think of it I should have asked for a million yen (6701.29 USD).

Aoi bravely approached Dark Shadow with a plan and quickly acted on it when Dark Shadow attacked again. Aoi used her quirk to push Dark Shadow away, but it wasn't easy for her because Dark Shadow was very powerful. This was why, at first, Aoi was unsure about using her quirk.

"What's this Dark Shadow is not attacking anymore!" Mic shouted

The crowd roared when they saw Dark Shadow staying as still as a statue.

"Can't lie I kinda forgot they were here," Aoi looked up briefly.

"Sorry Tokoyami, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," She ran towards him ready to push him out of the border.

"FOR FAST PASS!!" she roared as she pushed him out.


Aoi scanned the crowd with her eyes. Looking for what? A particular... what is he? It doesn't matter she was looking for Nezu. 

"Ah, there he is." 

"My fast pass," she mouthed to him receiving a thumbs up in return.

"That's what I like, that's what I like."

"Good game Tokoyami," she offered a hand to him. 

"It was tough. Dark Shadow was about to break free from my quirk I was just super lucky I guess." Aoi said while scratching her neck

"Yeah good game," Tokoyami replied

Tokoyami then started muttering something about conquering the darkness while Dark Shadow wrapped around Aoi like a boa constrictor. 

"I love you too Dark Shadow but if you don't let go I'll be forced to get devious with you," Aoi told him.

After hearing that, Dark Shadow let go. 

"Welp, those new episodes of Down to Earth are calling my name,"  Aoi said to Dark Shadow and began to walk towards the stands.

Upon reaching the stairs Aoi started to feel dizzy.

"Not this shit again," she croaked out right before collapsing on the stairs.


"Hayashi's kid huh?" someone said.

"She sure is powerful," another piped up.

"And pretty," one leered. 

His statement was met with a sharp blow on his head.

"My daughter is off limits,"

Note: I don't even have an excuse.

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