ChApTeR 7

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As Aoi got up, she checked her phone and saw the time was 10 am, a Monday morning. Well, no school then. Instead, Aoi decided it was time to leave her afro behind and enter a new era—an era of goddess braids.

The question, however, was what colour to make them.

So, she called Kaito to ask him what colour to use.

"Aoi?" he said into the phone groggily

"What colour should I use for my goddess braids?" she asked excitedly

"Did you wake me up just to ask what colour of goddess braids you should do?" he questioned.

"Yes," she replied

"Do dark blonde." he sighed

"Thanks," she shouted as she cut the line.

After washing her hair and having a quick shower, Aoi rushed out of her apartment towards a salon. The receptionist, who was loudly chewing on her bubblegum, looked up from her phone at her as she walked in.

'Welcome to Dreamlocks. What do you want?" she said in a bored voice.

"I'm here for my surgery." she deadpanned.

Rolling her eyes, the receptionist gestured towards a hallway.

"Go there and say what you want to do and they'll help you," she said as she went back to her phone.

Aoi went down the hallway and found two fine ladies with amazing braids. 

"I want to look like y'all when I grow up," she murmured unaware of what she was saying.

"Don't worry honey. We can make that happen right now," the one on the left chuckled, "just go sit down and relax over there while we work our magic."

Aoi blushed but still sat down and waited.

"What do you want to do with your hair?" the lady on the right asked

"Oh right. Please dark blonde goddess braids," she answered

"That colour will look amazing on you," lady left gushed


 And they got to work. She could feel their nimble finger running up and down her scalp. After five long hours, they were finally finished. (People that do braids are strong)

Aoi looked in the mirror. She looked fabulous.

"Now you look even better than us," the ladies said.

"Thanks so much," Aoi smiled as she went back to the reception to pay

The receptionist was still using her phone. Some things never change. After paying, Aoi went back home to take some snaps of her hair and send them to Kaito to make him jealous that he'd never look this good.

On getting home, she remembered that something important was happening in school. Well, nothing was more important than doing her hair.

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