ChApTeR 19

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Aoi rested her body on the soft mattress, her eyes fixed on the pristine ceiling. The room was quiet, except for the occasional rustle of leaves outside the window. She had just had a cryptic yet extremely vivid dream, and now she lay there, replaying it in her mind. As she pondered over her dreams, struggling to decipher the meaning behind them, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease washing over her.

"The dream was the exact opposite of how  I remembered my childhood. Yet, the events seemed so familiar. It's like you see someone, but you can't remember their name. You know you know it, or at least knew it, but you can't remember. That's exactly how this feels and it feels very shitty."

"Ugh, my body is sore all over. The injuries I got from falling down the stairs were terrible. I think I broke a rib. I don't want to get up from this bed ever!" Aoi groaned and closed her eyes trying to go to sleep.

"Hey, Aoi it's almost time for your match," she heard Jirou tell her.

"I'm not here!"  Aoi shrieked and covered her face with a pillow.

There was a beat of silence.

"If hypothetically I was here I would have asked you who I was up against," Aoi said her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Okay. Well hypothetically if you were here, I'd tell you that Bakugo, predictably, won his battle against Kirishima and is going up against you once Lida is done with his match. Oh, and you should go get your mans. Midoriya made him rethink his existence. Obviously, I'd only tell you this if you were hypothetically here," Jirou grinned playing along.

"Thanks is what I would say if I was hypothetically here," Aoi replied.

"No problem," Jirou exited the room

"This is amazing. How will I fight against our class' best fighter in this state? Something should just happen," Aoi complained.

As she sat on the bed, she heard the faint sound of her phone ringing. Her eyes scanned the room and landed on the small rectangular device on the table. She stretched her arm towards it, her fingers outstretched, wanting to find out who was calling her. However, her arm was not long enough to reach her phone, causing her to lose her balance and fall clumsily to the ground.

"Why is the floor so hard?" she muttered as she stood up and picked up her phone

As she lifted her gaze towards her phone, she caught a glimpse of the caller ID which revealed that it was Kaito who was trying to reach her. She felt a sudden rush of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness as she answered the call, wondering what he might want to talk about.

"I thought you only called on my other phone?" she asked

"I do but some dumbass didn't pick," he answered sounding irritated.

"Sorry. I was too busy beating my classmates up," Aoi deadpanned.

"Noted. Well, I hope you're done beating up your classmates," Kaito said. 

"Yes and if you're not careful I'll be coming for you next."

"Try me bitch. Go get it so I can tell you about the mission." 

"Yes sir."

Aoi stood up and stretched, feeling irritated that she had to go back to work already. She walked over to the window and stared out of the window looking at the fluffy white clouds. Suddenly she had an intrusive thought. Next thing you know she was flying out of the window. 

"It's been a while since I jumped out of a window. I hope I can stick the landing," she muttered as she fell downwards.

She landed with a loud thud.

"At least I'm still alive. I just realised that it was the fourth story. Whoops," she said as she dusted her clothes.

"Do you not like using doors?" someone asked and tapped her shoulder

"Eh!" Aoi screeched and grabbed their hand, judo-flipping them over her shoulder. She then pinned them down with one hand behind their back and her knee on their spine.

She was about to call for help when she noticed the person had red and white hair. 

"What are the chances?" Aoi inwardly groaned as she stood up.

"I'm so sorry for this!" Aoi apologised and bowed to Todoroki.

"It's okay. It's my fault for sneaking up on you like that," he replied, motioning for her to stop bowing.

"Um...well then...gotta go," she stuttered as she straightened herself and bolted off.

"What was that brain?" Aoi inwardly facepalmed as she recalled their conversation, "Can you not form words? Wait why am I thinking about him? I have more important things to think about like um the emission, yeah the mission. What even is the mission?" 

Aoi slowed down and pulled out her phone to call Kaito again. This time to confirm the mission as she had just been running with no destination in mind. The phone rang several times before Kaito finally picked up.

"Aoi, I thought I told you not to call me again," Kaito said.

"You did but I didn't listen," Aoi replied.

"Y-" he started

"Anyways what was the mission about anyways?" she cut him off

"Why do I even bother," Kaito muttered.


"I said you need to bust this drug dealer."

"Oh. Where do I do to?" 

"Um, the alleyway at 18389289 Street next to Seggsy Snacks."

"Say less. I'm on my way."

"Ok remember don't do drugs and don't die."

"I'm not going to  a high school party."

"I know but I just wanted to say that."

"And they say I'm the weirdo."

"Focus Aoi, you're approaching the arranged place for the meetup. Go into Seggsy Snacks and wait until I give you further instructions. Or if you see a suspicious guy in a trenchcoat and a fedora enter the alleyway." Kaito explained.

"How do you know he'll be wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora?" Aoi asked.

"They always do," he replied ominously.

"He just keeps on getting weirder," Aoi sighed as she ended the call and stuffed her phone into her pocket. 

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