ChApTeR 14

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After congratulating Shinso, Aoi went back to the stands just before Todoroki left for his match

"GOOD LUCK SHOTO! DO YOUR BEST!" Aoi shouted as he went down for his match.

Aoi scanned the board with her eyes and saw he was up against Sero Hanta.

Who was he again?


Both Sero and Todoroki came to the field. 

"So Sero is tape boy. He's just like Spiderman. Except Spiderman shoots webs from his wrists, and Sero shoots tape from his elbows. He could make his hero name Spiderman or something like that!" Aoi thought

Her thoughts continued to spiral until a sudden gust of chilly wind brushed against her skin, causing her to shiver. Looking down into the arena, she saw that Shoto had completely frozen Sero in an iceberg so tall it reached the top of the stadium!

"Damn! When I said do your best, I didn't mean freeze the stadium," Aoi murmured.

"Sero had been completely immobilised. Todoroki is the winner!" Midnight states.

Shoto walks up to Sero and unfreezes him while apologising.

Aoi observed Shoto. From the way, he looked at Sero while unfreezing him to the creation of the iceberg itself. Aoi concluded that Shoto was angry at someone. The question was, who?

Looking over at Midoriya, she saw that he was also observing Shoto. It was then that she realised why he; because of Endeavour.

Endeavour had probably made some comment about Shoto's left side, and while trying to prove that he could win without Endeavour mixed with his anger and hatred for Endeavour, Shoto had overdone it.

"That bitch," Aoi said as she scanned the crowd looking for it. She saw him sitting down, looking smug that his 'creation' had won the match.

"It's your power, Shoto. Don't forget that," she whispered.

Shoto and Sero then left the field so it could be prepped for the next match. Aoi decided to go and ask Shoto about what happened between him and his sperm donor before the match.

She ran down the stairs to find Shoto.

"Shoto," she called, "Shoto."

She ran around calling his name then she suddenly bumped into him.

"Shoto?" she asked.

She pulled her braids back and dusted her clothes.

"Are you doing alright? Any bitches I've gotta whoop for you? Because you tell me, and I will do it," she fiercely stated.

"No, nothing's wrong," he said monotonously, looking at the floor.

Aoi observed him. She knew something happened and was about to press him for more information but stopped short.

It wasn't her place, she realised.

She let it go and began walking back to the stands. On her way back, she remembered Midoriya.

"He and Shoto have already talked about his family, and he understands. He might be able to help Shoto," she muses.

"Which match is going on right now?" she asked

"Shiozaki and Kaminari's match just ended," Kirishima replied, "Shiozaki completely wiped the floor with him." 

"Yeah," Sero piped up, "He offered to take her out to make up for her loss and like she took him down in five seconds."

"So they are preparing for Lida and Hatsume's match," Kirishima finished

"Thanks," Aoi replied.

"Who is Hatsume? Is she in our class?" Aoi asked.

Kirishima facepalmed and replied, "No she's in the support course."


"Midoriya! I need your help with something" she called out walking towards him.

She plopped down in the seat right next to you.

"You do those observation notes things right?" she asked leaning in to look at his book.

"Y... Ye... yeah," he stuttered, his face turning a funny shade of red.

"Cool can I look at it," she asked

" her..e it is," he stammered passing the book to her.

Aoi flipped through the pages of the book.

"Hmm, do you have a page on everyone in the class?" she asked still looking at the book in her hands.

"Y..yes," he answered, "I love quirks in general and I just thought all of you have awesome quirks and that it's so amazing that I get to see them in action and look at.." Midoriya rambled passionately.

At this point, Aoi had already tuned out.

"Sure, but where's my page?" Aoi blurted out

"Oh. Well, I haven't seen your quirk in action," Midoriya shrugged, "I assume it's a mental or manipulation type of quirk. Maybe something like Shinso's own."

Midoriya continued to go on and on about the possible quirks that Aoi could have.

"Midoriya, Shoto told you about his family right?" Aoi asked leaning in so she could whisper

"," Midoriya stuttered and turned red again due to their closeness.

"Good and you understand right?"


"Perfect. Since you and Shoto are advancing to the next round, you will both fight against each other. Don't go easy on him and he might have to use his fire. I know he trusts you. That's why he told you about himself and his family," She told him

Aoi moved a bit closer so that they were less than an inch of space between them.

"Don't let me down," she added before she stood up and went to her seat.

"Thanks, Midoriya," she called over her shoulder.

Midoriya sat as still a tree. She had been so close to him. The only other girl that had done that was...


Said girl was seated on the seat that Aoi had just vacated. Her face was contorted into a weird expression.

"What were you and Aoi talking about so close to each other?" she asked


"You know what don't worry it's not my business," Uraraka said as she turned around.

"The female species is a scary one," Midoriya thought.

Aoi had watched this exchange from her sear.

"Uraraka seems jealous. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so close to Midoriya. Whatever. It doesn't matter whether I like Midoriya or anyone else. Shoto and I are engaged to each other. Nothing I can do about it," she muses

During her talk with Midoriya, Aoi had missed the match between Lida and Hatsume and it was almost time for her match to begin.

"The universe doesn't want me to see anyone else's match," she mumbled as she left the stands to prepare for her match against Ashido.

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