ChApTeR 15

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"Next, we have Ashido Mina from Class 1-A with an acid manipulation against Ishii Aoi as well with a... um..." Present Mic faltered, "what's her quirk again?" he asked Eraser Head as he leaned away from the microphone.

"I dunno," Eraser mumbled

"Umm...well...let's begin," Mic finished.

"Ready, Set, Go," Midnight announced as she waved the flag.

As soon as Midnight said go, Mina rushed straight at Aoi, ready to crush her immediately. Unfortunately for her, she was at a disadvantage; no one knew Aoi's quirk except for Eraser and Todoroki, and she didn't think any of them would have told anyone.

Just before Mina reached her, Aoi sidestepped her punch and grabbed her outstretched hand. She then flipped Mina over backwards using her arm as a lever. 

"Damn!" Present Mic shouted, "That must have hurt!"

Aoi smirked and moved back a bit, waiting for Mina to get up.

After a few seconds, Mina gritted her teeth and slowly got up. Aoi watched her with the eyes of a predator stalking her prey.

"It's been a while since I had a good fight," she thought, "Imma enjoy this while it lasts."

Mina launched herself at Aoi, obviously looking for revenge, and blasted acid at specific places around Aoi. She placed the acid at strategic points while making it look as though she was just aiming randomly at Aoi.

"Good one, Ashido," Aoi thought.

She knew that Mina was trying to make Aoi fall into one of the acid holes so that she could take her out. However, Aoi was one step ahead. 

Aoi ran forward stepping over the acid to meet Mina. As they clashed, Mina sent a punch to Aoi's gut but her hand suddenly froze. Aoi did this discreetly so almost no one noticed.


Todoroki saw it and smiled knowing that Aoi had finally used her quirk.

Almost immediately after she used her quirk to stop Mina's hand from moving, she stopped using her quirk. 

This second gap allowed her to dodge Mina's punch.

Mina tried again: this time she tried to kick Aoi. Once again, Aoi used her quirk and was able to dodge it. It was as if she was predicting Mina's moves.

The audience was frozen in their seats. They were confused. How was she doing this?

"Time to stop playing," Aoi decided.

With a swift uppercut, Aoi knocked Mina out.

"Ashido has been knocked out! Ishii wins!" Midnight announced.

The crowd cheered loudly for Aoi.

"Perfect, I didn't have to use my quirk so much so I'm not feeling so dizzy and I could make it to the quarter-finals. I have to make it to the semi-finals and I'll be done," Aoi thought as she walked to Recovery Girl's office.

She hadn't sustained any injuries but knew her classmates would make a fuss if she didn't go to Recovery Girl's office first.

She couldn't wait to see Midoriya's new observations on her quirk. Aoi hoped she was able to lead him off track. Maybe she'd tell him one day. Who knows? Only if he tells her about his quirk.

She walked into Recovery Girls' office to see that Ashio was already sitting there. She had woken up and Recovery Girl was asking her some questions. The place where Aoi had given her an uppercut was bandaged. 

"Wtf? how? I didn't see her," she thought looking at Ashido strangely.

" Good game Ishii," Mina grinned and stuck out her hand.

Ashido sounded sincere but looking into her eyes, Aoi could see that she was sad about the loss. 

"Thanks," Aoi grinned and shook her hand, " You can call me Aoi by the way. You were amazing too."

Mina smiled a more genuine smile.

"Then that means you can call me Mina."

" Any injuries Ishii?" Recovery Girl spoke up

"Uh yeah, a few minor burns from Ashido's acid but it's nothing serious," Aoi muttered.

"A few minor burns on my foot. When they fester and become major they'll still be nothing serious right?" she reprimanded gesturing for Aoi to sit on the bed.

Recovery Girl got the salve and began applying it on Aoi's hands and legs.

When she was done, Aoi thanked her and got up to leave. She was about to ask Ashido whether she was coming or not but then saw that she was asleep so she shut the door.

Once she stepped into the stands, she was swarmed by her classmates congratulating her.

Aoi was surprised as she thought in solidarity with Mina, whom they were closer to, they'd not be so happy for her.

"These people sure are something." 

"You did so well!" one shouted.

"That was so badass," another exclaimed.

Aoi felt so happy. It had been a while since she had felt like this.

"Thanks, guys," she replied

"Ishii," Midoriya called

"I wonder what his theories are now?" Aoi thought

Aoi walked over to his seat.


"Is your quirk telekenisis?" he blurted out.

"Straight to the point, hmm?" she asked

"No..oo it's just... umm" he stuttered

"Don't worry. It's not telekinesis," she smirked

"Really?" Midoriya looked confused

He then continued writing in his book muttering to himself. 

"If you have any new ideas, you can ask me. The fact that you knew I was using my quirk on its own is amazing. I was trying to be subtle. Not many people would have noticed," she told him.


"Aoi!" Kaminari screamed

Why the fuck is he so loud?

"It's time for the next match,"

"Um ok."

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