Chapter 11

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Team Monoma had previously clashed with Bakugo's team and had been left with no headbands. Now they were looking for smaller headbands to steal. One of the smaller teams they had their eyes on was Aoi's team. 

Monoma reached out his hand to copy Aoi's quirk, but she knew his quirk as she had observed him and Bakugo's fight. So, she dodged his hands and told Shinso to make Ojiro take them away. 

Unfortunately, Monoma had been able to touch Shinso during their exchange and now had his quirk. There was a problem; he didn't know what Shinso's quirk was. He racked his brain thinking of what Shinso's quirk could be.

"Brainwash this fool," Aoi said to Shinso.

"Even with my quirk, you're nowhere as powerful as me," Shinso taunted, "You don't even know how to use it." 

With those words, Monoma snapped and shouted, "YOU'LL SEE, TH..." 

Shinso had brainwashed him before he could finish.

"Now wait here like a good fool till the Calvary Battle is over," Shinso ordered.

Then we went to get more points.

While they used Ojiro's tail to get away, Aoi scanned the arena to see what was going on with other teams. She saw a massive ice wall, and Team Midoriya and Team Todoroki were out of sight.

"Shoto's going all out trying to get this headband," she muttered to herself.

Looking at the scoreboard, she saw that Team Todoroki had displaced Team Midoriya from the first position. Suddenly, a burst of flames appeared. 

"Shoto's using his left side," she gasped.

"Who's Shoto?" asked Shinso

"My pet fish," deadpanned Aoi, "Let's keep our heads in the game."

Aoi didn't follow her advice and continued to observe the wall of ice. She wanted to go in and see what was happening but knew she couldn't jeopardize her team.

Instead, she watched as Team Bakugo broke through the ice wall, and seconds later, Midnight called time.

Everyone's eyes were on the scoreboard as the final scores were being shown.

"Team Todoroki places first, Team Bakugo places second, and Team Shinso places third. Wow, no one saw them coming. Team Midoriya places fourth," announces Present Mic.

Midoriya burst out into tears when he found out that he and his team would be moving to the next round.

Shinso got off their shoulders and shook Aoi's hand.

"Thanks," was all he said before he walked away.

"Such an ungrateful fellow," Aoi shook her head.

She was about to go and enjoy Lunch Rush's delicacies when she heard her name. Turning around, she saw Shoto calling her name.

"Hmm," she answered

"We need to talk," he said

"What do you m..." she started.

Without waiting for her to finish, Shoto grabbed her arm and led her away.

"Bet ya' ¥2000 that they're going to make out," Mineta said to Kaminari.

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