ChApTeR 20

36 1 0

Aoi entered the cafe, sat at the table in the corner next to the window (because you know main character things), and observed the cafe. The ambience of the place was simply delightful. The pink and white fairy lights that were carefully strung around added a touch of warmth and charm to the overall decor. Although not bustling with customers, there were enough patrons seated on the light grey coffee chairs, sipping their beverages and enjoying the serene atmosphere.

As she sat there, admiring the aesthetics of the shop, a group of girls around her age walked in. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness watching them giggle amongst themselves. She longed to experience moments like this with friends, just like a normal high schooler, instead of just being here for work.

"I wish my biggest worry was whether one stupidly fine high school boy liked me back," Aoi thought wistfully.

After a few minutes had passed by, Aoi decided to order an iced tea to keep herself occupied. She got up from her seat and started walking towards the counter when she felt a gentle vibration in her pocket; Kaito had just sent her a text.


"We aren't in a spy movie," Aoi chided him in her mind as she made a beeline for the door forgetting all about her iced tea, "Also I'm the eagle; the criminal's the worm."

As Kaito had said a man, suspiciously dressed in a trenchcoat and a fedora, was standing in the alleyway.

"I can't believe Kaito was right about that. Don't villains know they look suspicious when they dress like that?" Aoi pondered.

She heard footsteps coming from her right, so she hid behind a nearby trashcan. A man walked towards her, but thankfully he didn't notice her and continued on his way. However, soon after, another man approached. He wasn't wearing a trenchcoat like the first man, but he was carrying a suspicious-looking briefcase. 

"What is it with villains and suspicious articles of clothing? You might as well paint 'VILLAIN' on your forehead in bright red letters," Aoi sighed.

The villains began to talk in hushed tones and Aoi listened with rapt attention. She was extremely focused on their hands as she wanted to be able to take a picture of the exact time they exchanged the goods. She didn't want to engage in combat and figured that in case of anything the picture would serve as enough evidence.

Unfortunately for her, it seemed like Lady Luck wasn't on her side; the moment Suspicious Guy Uno reached into his equally suspicious briefcase, Aoi leaned forward to take a clear picture and ended up losing her balance. She fell over and knocked over the trashcans she was hiding behind completely blowing her cover. Suspicious Guys Uno and Dos stared at her with their mouths open hands completely frozen as they held the drugs.

"Um..look... behind you. It's Cench," Aoi shouted.

She doubted they knew who Cench was. She didn't think villains spent time listening to UK drill; she felt they'd be the type of people to play Last Resort on repeat and tell their friends that their playlist was "too depressing" for them.

Anyways, it worked and Uno and Dos both looked behind them to catch a glance of the elusive Cench not questioning why a British rapper was in the backstreets of Osaka. Aoi quickly took a picture of the drugs in their hands and ran. She hoped they wouldn't chase her out in the open.

She was almost out of the alleyway when she felt a tendril coil around her leg.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dos sneered as he reeled her in.

"Just my luck, one of them has one lasso-looking quirk," she sighed letting herself be pulled back.

"Gotcha," said Dos and reached out to grab her.

Just before he could grab her, Aoi yanked the rope and pulled him towards her, causing his face to collide with her fist.

"No I got you," She cackled and ran towards Uno who looked ready to bolt.

"Look here. I didn't want to come here. I was forced by the Asai Masanori to come here," he pleaded backing away slowly.

"Seriously? Sorry for you," she sympathised 

"Thanks. Now could you just let me go?"

"No I meant sorry for you as in, sorry I am still going to have to beat you up."


 The two charged at each other, and a fierce battle began. Uno stretched out his hand and vines shot out at the hero, but the Aoi was quick to dodge and counterattack. She wove threw the twisting vines towards him and began to kick any debris she could find at him. Her attacks were swift and continuous, but Uno was able to fend them off with his vines.

The fight continued for a while; Uno kept blocking everything Aoi kicked at him with his plants. But then, she had an idea- Aoi ran away from him causing Uno to send vines her way. Then she dodged them, jumped on them and began to sprint towards Uno. Uno tried to send more vines at her but Aoi used her telekinesis to fend them off. 

She ran towards the villain, ready to deliver the final blow. But just as she was about to strike, the villain's tendrils wrapped around her arms, holding her in place. 

"LOOK IT'S CENCH!" Aoi cried.

"That's not gonna work again, brat,"  he spat tightening the vines around her arms.

"Yeah I know, I just felt like saying it," she grinned.

Then she lifted him from the ground with her telekinesis which made him loosen the vines around her hands. Aoi was able to wriggle out of them and land a powerful kick on his face.

"Mans is never gonna look the same again," she chuckled as she peered down at his bloody face, "Whelp, my work here is done."

She arranged the thugs with the drugs on them and called the cops with a phone she found on Dos.

"Can't have Aizawa knowing I'm still out here playing Spiderman," she mumbled as she tied their hands together and placed the Ziploc full of drugs next to their hands.

She took another picture for posterity and bolted out.

"I could use some boba right now," she thought and hopped into the cafe, ignoring the stares of the customers at her messy clothes.

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