The call

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A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you - Elbert Hubbard

I was in the best of spirits throughout that first week, it just felt surreal to have someone who really cared. I hadn't felt that way in all my life until I met him. My friends kept jesting and mocking but I just didn't care,  I felt like nothing or no one could spoil my joy.
He hadn't even asked me out yet and I'm already acting like a love sick puppy.
You've been smiling at your phone all day,  u know it creepy right? Aisha asked me on our way back from class.
Earth to you!! She tweaked her fingers in front of my face with an angry expression.
Huh! Sorry what where you saying? I replied. 
You've been acting really  strange this days,  what's your problem? Are you so taken with this guy that you're losing common sense? She asked again with a smirk
Oh please! I wasn't thinking of any guy,  I just had a lot on my mind. I replied. I'm sure my ears were pink because  of the lie but thank God I had my veil on so she couldn't see.  My subconscious kept singing liar! Liar!!!  Pants on fire.
Anyway Idan yayi tsami ai zamu ji,  but I hope he feels the same way as you do because I will have to hurt him if he hurts you, she said in a seriousness.
Wallahi Aisha you are hilarious! I chuckled! What will you do If it so happens. 
You wait and see,  I as much as see a tear in your eye and he will know the true meaning of girl power. We will hurt him in ways you can't imagine. She said with a twinkle in her eye.
Ya Allah,  I'm not even in a relationship yet and you are about to jinx it.  I said with a pout! But thank it good to know you girls got my back.
Of course we do!!!! We always got each other's back right? She asked skeptically!
Definitely,  love you plenty!! I said while giving her a bone crushing hug.
Let me go,  you naughty bag of bones before we miss the bus!! She said with a chuckle
Whatever!!! I said with a smile.

Let me tell you a little about my friends!
Our meeting, was really weird series of coincidences.  It still amazes me how we've become more sisters than friend over a short period of time.
The fact that we all have different personalities makes our friendship all the more enduring.
Let's start with Rumaisa,  she's the everyone's person the one everyone opens up to,  the link that holds us together.  Crazy as hell amongst friends with an innocent face for strangers.
Aisha is the black is black,  white is white person.  She calls it as she sees it and you dare not mess with the people she cares about which explains the little speech earlier,  but in reality she has the softest heart ever.
The mother bear amongst us, who also happens to b the youngest is Faida. She fuses over everything and everyone one, we always joke about the irony of her being the youngest yet oldest at heart.
Pearl on the other hand is the bubbly fun loving one,  the friend of everyone.  She walks ten steps and has to stop and say hi to people,  which makes people see our friendship as weird because I come off as the really unfriendly, snobbish one which is totally false to those who really know me.  I just put up a front to avoid getting close to people,  that is until my chance encounter with Mr charming!!!

He called me everyday to ask how my day went and I'd usually bore him with some boring story but he always found it funny, beats me but I don't know why. It was three weeks after we started talking, and I was complaining that I needed to study for a test I was supposed to have but I was sleepy...... then he suggested coming to get me so we could go read. Like seriously I was stunned and it was like cat got my tongue:)
If you don't wanna go, I'll totally understand.  He said!
I quickly got over my sudden muteness and said I'll definitely love to. I will be ready in 10 minutes.
I was super excited that I will get to see him again after our first meeting.

I was ready in 7minutes  and my friends kept teasing me to which I kept mute carrying a straight face. They were all laughing when my phone ran again and before I could pick it,  my friend got to it first.
Hello! He said
Oh hello yourself,  she replied!
Sorry,  I must have called the wrong number. He said.
Don't hang up,  you didn't call a wrong number,  I'm her friend,  she will be out in a few minutes. By the way, I'm Jane and I've heard a lot about you.  It's nice to finally place a voice to the stories.
I wanted to be swallowed by ground,  I kept giving her the death glare and she just grinned.
Now,  you've gone and embarrassed me.  I said
Oh please! Now I know why you've got all them stars in your eyes.
You are such a bother wallahi,  I said while still glaring at her.
Shush! And get a move on,  your man's waiting.
You are so full of it,  I have nothing to say to you.  I said walking out
I could still hear her boisterous laugh as I turned the corner.

He was leaning against a wall and was then that I felt as if my heart just deserted me: ) and I couldn't help but pray "
Ya Allah, please give me this servant of Yours for my life partner.

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