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Some love stories are better left
incomplete - Tahmyrah

Hey Anty Han! Little yasir squealed from across the park.
I turned sharply with a big grin adorning my face and waved.
Little yasir is Yasir's sister's son named after his beloved deceased uncle and it is safe to say he's my favorite person 😊.
Hey buddy! I said crunching down to his level as he reached me and slammed into me with a fierce hug.
I misshed you anty H.
I missed you too baby. How have you been and hope you've not been giving mummy some tough times?
Nope I have been a good boy he said with a cheeky grin.
No you haven't young man said a heaving Samira as she joined us.
But mom! He whined.
No good boy makes his mama run across the park to get to him.
Hey he was just trying to get to his favorite anty and besides you need the exercise. Right buddy.
Right anty Han. You are the bestest anty in the whole world he said giving me a thumbs up.
Ke dai da wannan dan nayi (you and this your baby) baya laifi a idon ki(to you he never does wrong).
What do you want me to say, he's my Yas after all I said with a laugh.
I felt a tug on my hand and looked down to see my very mischievous favorite person smiling at me.
Anty H, did you get me the truck you promised?
Definitely, anything for my favorite person. Here we go, I collected the shopping bag sitting on the bench I was sitting on earlier and handed it to him.
Awesome!!! He shouted taking out the toy truck and looked at me in awe.
And what do you say to that Yas? Samira asked with a raised brow.
Thank you soo much anty H.
You're welcome buddy, now run along and play with your truck.

Phew!! I've been on my feet since morning and this little munchkin in here won't stop kicking me,  said samira pointing at her distended tummy.
Ayya! How have you and the family been?
Alhamdullilah, we've been good and as for me, 2more months to go and you'll have a little girlie she said laughing.
Awwwn! It's a girl,  I can't wait to meet her.
Yeah she is and meanwhile she's really having a ball inside me.
Smiled at her tapping her tummy.
You know sometimes I can't help but imagine where you will be if what happened hadn't happened 4 years ago. You would have made the perfect partner for my brother.
Don't flatter me, I said with a watery smile.
I've never said this before,  but you made him really happy while he was alive and I just want to say thank you for making his life happy.
I wiped an errant tear, now you are going to make me cry. He was worthy of that love and the fact that he loved me unconditionally and because of that your family also loved me too,  I can say nothing but thanks too.
Hey!!! No water works, enough of all that. So what's been happening? Samira said with a raised brow.

I had started a small arts nd graphic design shop that sells and designs customs gifts, art and craft.
Work has been great and business has been thriving alhamdullilah. I still can't believe I got the courage to start it though,  I said with a laugh.
Come on girl, you worked hard for the success she said in her fake black American voice.
You are hilarious wallahi.
Ehen! Umma has been nagging me that she hasn't seen you in a while and that you need to settle down.
Yarinya taki aure, it's high time she finds a fine young man ai, she said in her poor imitation of umma's voice.
Wallahi my ears will fall off if you don't do anything about it.  The last time I had to ask her to call you and tell you her self. Kaman I'm responsible for you she said huffing.

Wallah, you and umma are so hilarious. I said laughing.
But on a more serious note, you told me about a guy sometimes back.
Oh Suraj you mean? He's just a friend o, I thought I told you that. A very good friend by the way I said avoiding eye contact.
Friends indeed. 
Roses are red, voilet are blue,  if you ain't into him,  I'm a whale.
Wow! Perfect description of yourself, you do look like a whale you know.

Don't change the subject missy.
I don't know he's a nice guy but I just feel like I'm going to be cheating on Yasir's memory, so we are taking it as it goes and he does understand.
It's been four years, it's not much of  life you're living, I know you've  come a long way but you need to take this because it's been given to you. You need to stop this round and round life you're living.
Okay Doctor love! I've heard you and I actually invited him to meet you soooo...... When you meet him, you can determine if he's any good.
Awwwwn, she likes him and I bet he's going to be really cool she said giving me a hug.
Hey don't crush me whale I playfully hit her.
You know I'm really grateful for all of you,  without all the support and love I don't know if I'll have ever gotten over it but now I'm as happy as I can be and who knows I might get to write a complete love story you never know.

Phew!! I can't believe it's finally over, it's like I'm parting with a part of me😢😢. Yasir and Hannan have been a very big part of my life and it really took great courage to share them with you guys. So all I can say to you all is thank you for following their journey through thick and thin. Love you all.
P.S please listen to goodbye by Miley Cyrus, I love that song and it fits soo well with the story.
PSS. it's hard to say goodbye and I.  Gonna miss u and Sarahtoo thanks for your unconditional support the constant update please tahmy. Love you sis.

All my fellow Wattpadian's, I love soo much my sisters with pen, meeting you all was wat inspired me to take my  pen and complete this story bo matter how tough it was to write it. ❤❤❤❤

FMWrites on you win, glad I know a celebrity 😎😎😎😎.

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