The Meeting

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It was 4:00pm on a warm Friday evening, I had just woken up from a nap when I realized I had no money on me. I decided to take a stroll from my hostel to the ATM machine found in the school premises. My name is Hannan and I was then a second (2nd) year student at a renowned federal university in Nigeria.

I had been having a bad day because I had written a test that wasn't too good. I had missed the bus and I was terribly hungry that I felt as if a war was being fought in my stomach between my intestines. I had come back really exhausted that I soon seeked the comfort of my bed and before I knew it I had dosed off in to a very deep nap. I woke up with a start and realized I needed to pray Asr. I performed my Salah and decided to get something to eat from the hostel store when I realized I was short on cash. It being a Friday, I hurriedly picked a veil without as much as powdering my oily nose.

I was walking toward ATM machine when I sighted him and I remember muttering to my self a masha Allah and a this would definitely keep a girl happy always.

He was leaning against a wall of one of the lecture theatres within the school with his phone stuck to his ears. Tall,handsome with his Fulbe looks, I walked past him and could hear his manly voice blown to me by the winds as if to tease me with it.

As expected, the ATM was jammed with students out to withdraw money for their weekend jaunts and shopping. I patiently waited for my turn and my mind kept going back to the beautiful stranger I had just seen and debited my money but I still had him in my mind it was just like a thunder bolt had struck me and I kept wishing he would notice me. I was so lost in thought and I nearly started hyperventilating when he said hello. I can still hear his manly melodious voice in my ears. I was tongue tied that I just kept nodding like an agama lizard.

Salam alaikum! sorry to bother you, I saw you pass earlier but was on the phone. If you don't mind me asking where are you going? He asked

The first thing that came to my mind was "so he did notice" I had recalled most of my thinking faculties back and so I reply him with out a stutter, no bother at all, I'm coming from the ATM and going back to my hostel.

Would you mind if I walked you back? He questioned.

Sure why not, I said with a small smile but I really don't want to take you out of your way I added.

It really will be my pleasure to walk such a pretty young lady and besides I wouldn't be a gentleman if I let you walk down this deserted path alone. He said returning my smile.

My heart plummeted in my chest hearing those words and seeing that smile.

OK I said in a small voice.

He introduced himself as Yasir, he was a final year student of the same school I went to but other than that we walked in companionable silence.when we got to my hostel I bade him goodbye but kept hoping he'd ask to see me again. Luckily for me he asked if I wouldn't mind giving my number to him as he would very much like to check on me once in a while, and so I typed out my number on his phone and bade him goodbye with a smile.

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