And It Builds

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our friendship grew so strong, he became my confidante, my mentor and most of all my hero. I won't say I hero worshipped him,no! He just really meant soooo much to me.

3 months after, he officially asked me out and you all can guess what I said. I was heads over heels in love for the first time in my life. It was this amazing feeling, nothing could take away the smile off my face not even my friend teasing and all the evil eyes I was getting get from girls who liked him.

On my birthday I woke up with this big smile on my face expecting to see his messages or missed call but there was none. Got messages from friends and family alike but not from the one person I soo wanted to get one from. Terrible mood and all, I got ready for school after having my self a good cry.

Definitely not a nice day, couldn't concentrate in school and thought up any thing I could have done to warrant him forgetting this important day in my life. My friends noticed o how moody I was and kept teasing me" did prince charming for get our day today" unknown to them they had struck a cord. I'll just smile and say nah, definitely not.

Noticing my mopping, my friends decided to treat me to a gals night out, unbeknownst to me I had a surprise waiting for me when we went out.....

Sorry for the slow update been busy with life promise to update more soon. What do you think will happen in the next chapter.ll appreciate comments. Luv ya loads

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