The Waiting

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"For it was not in to my ears you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul" - Judy Garland

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was anxiously waiting for his call ( yeah I know sick right,hmm!) Saturday nothing, Sunday arrived still no call!... Maybe he didn't get the numbers right,he probably lost his phone or was just stringing me along I kept soliloquizing .

If my phone rang I'd run to pick it and was always disappointed because it wasn't him. By Sunday evening a was acting like a love sick puppy I'd get angry about silly things. To cut the long story short,I had a terrible weekend.

Monday came with its usual hassles. Had classes, assignments to submit, studio time that kept me so busy and took my heart away from my misery. Finished with school at 5: 00 pm, caught the bus and came back to my hostel. I was pretty much feeling like a zombie starved of sustenance. I made noodles and sat to enjoy it with my roommate when my phone started ringing I didn't want to pick it up as I was so engrossed in our chat but my room mates insisted I pick.

Please lemme eat my food in peace, I'm so hungry i whined. I bet it's one of my course mate's wanting to remind me of an assignment or better still looking for a hand-out.  i will just call back when I' m done i said still munching my food.

Ah h do u know whether its your prince charming that finally decided to call my roommate said jokingly.

i know it Ain't Him, He probably misplaced the number or He just didn't want to seem rude that was why he collected the number, I insisted. By this time my phone had stopped ringing.

okay o! I rest my case Janet one of my room mates replied.

we kept eating and my phone started ringing again.

Just go and pick that phone will you? Rabia asked, the tune is disturbing us she scolded.

Okay, please can you pass the phone to me. i asked sweetly batting my eyelashes.

she Laughed and handed me the phone while saying.... i really think its Him sha Because it's a number without name.

in your dreams i said while swiping to answer.

my eyes widened and my mouth was hanging open like a fish out of water when i heard that distinctive masculine voice say


i finally found my voice and excitedly chirped a Hello yourself with a grin.

He chuckled!! someone seems happy to hear from me.

Of course I am, or shouldn't I be? I questioned. It was like i was high on something because i myself couldn't believe i had just said that not to talk more of my room mate who believed me to be quiet and shy.

  Of course I'm glad you are because that means I have been on your mind, He said with a chuckle. He apologized for not calling and we talked for a while. At this point, I'd say I was more than half way in love with him.........

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